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奥巴马轰轰烈烈提气 罗姆尼抠抠缩缩不灵

(2012-09-27 12:08:58) 下一个

奥巴马轰轰烈烈提气 罗姆尼抠抠缩缩不灵





这次奥巴马竞选口号换成了“Forward(向前)”。他告诉大家,过去四年,尽管有共和党从中作梗,他还是带领美国人跳出了布什的“深渊”,只要再给他四年,继续往前跑,明天一定会更好。从实际状况来看,今天美国人的却不像布什离任前、奥巴马上任初那么紧张和绝望,国内形势虽然不是“一片大好”,但还过得去,至少稳定,没有朝不保夕的恐慌。所以,美国人愿意相信奥巴马能带领他们“向前”。人总是爱听激励斗志的话,副总统一句“General moter is alive, Osama Bin ladin is dead."让美国人重新找回了自信和尊严。奥巴马号召美国人重振自己的制造业,重建美国破旧不堪的基础设施,也赢得了美国人的喝彩。

然而,罗姆尼的竞选口号是“Believe in America"。在这个口号下面,罗姆尼也承诺要重振美国的国威。他这个口号是针对很多美国人因为高额的财政赤字和天文数字的国债,对美国失去信心而言的,也是对因为社会保险和医疗保健入不敷出濒临破产而担忧的美国人的一种安慰。未雨绸缪或者亡羊补牢都是没有错的,这从一方面体现出共和党人的忧患意识,对美国的长远利益无疑有进步意义。问题是,罗姆尼在这个口号下,没有能提出什么具体的改革方案,更没有可以说服老百姓的可行政策。共和党这么多年来只知道唱三出戏,第一,减税;第二,小政府;第三,缩减开支。而减税首先受惠的是富人,缩减开支和小政府首当其冲的是穷人。更加糟糕的是,减税和减少政府赤字是相互矛盾的,共和党不能自圆其说,难怪选民不买账。罗姆尼还信誓旦旦地要推翻奥巴马的医保方案,虽然能讨好一部分右派选民,但医保方案已经让很多人受益,罗姆尼这招得不偿失。不能说罗姆尼的这些主张都不好,但以此为竞选的主要纲领,难免让选民提不起精神,鼓不起斗志。


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穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 to 浪宽: yes, Obama wants American people to march with him over the financial cliff. It seems that you are with him, but I am not!
穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 To mehaa: I certainly hope that the silent majority would come out on November 6 and let their voice heard. However, I am not counting on it because there are too many cynical ones out there who think this election has nothing to do with them. Frustrating reality ... Of course, I will take the time to vote.
mehaa 回复 悄悄话 回复穿高跟鞋的猫的评论:

let's get out vote on November 6. I am not discouraged no matter what media say, nor is every other single person I know of. People will come out of woods to vote Obama out on November 6. Obama's policy has done too much harm to small businesses and religious people. Of course you won't hear a single word from so called main stream media. Don't forget only 20% americans identify themselves as liberal, 40% of them identify themselves as conversative, the rest of them identify themselves as independent. Romney is leading obama among independents by 7 to 10 points, and Romney also leads obama 7 points among Catholics, yet Romney is losing. LMAO!
mehaa 回复 悄悄话 回复LaoWong的评论:

So you are considering yourself a "black"? you stupid racist!
mehaa 回复 悄悄话 What has obama done in the past three and half years. What will he do or what kind of specific plans he has to get us out of this mess. Why don't you question Obama's policy?

Are you just another lame stream media follower?

Slient majority will speak out on November 6. And Gallup last week has the newest data indicating 60% of american people no longer trust lame stream media which is in the deep tank for Obama.
TJKCB 回复 悄悄话 Right to the target! Romney does not have the substance- - "问题是,罗姆尼在这个口号下,没有能提出什么具体的改革方案,更没有可以说服老百姓的可行政策。共和党这么多年来只知道唱三出戏,第一,减税;第二,小政府;第三,缩减开支。而减税首先受惠的是富人,缩减开支和小政府首当其冲的是穷人。更加糟糕的是,减税和减少政府赤字是相互矛盾的,共和党不能自圆其说,难怪选民不买账。"
从容天晴 回复 悄悄话 食物券喂出来的票仓真心好用,苦了卖力干活的老中了。
从容天晴 回复 悄悄话 食物券喂出来的票仓真心好用,苦了卖力干活的老中了。
穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 In my opinion, the American dream will be even harder to reach for our next generation if Obama is re-elected and steers this country more to the left.
穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 Don't forget you are working directly or indirectly for the 1% that you liberals are condemning. If nobody wants to take risks, create wealth for themselves and in the meantime, create jobs,you would not have a job, would you? I am okay with being the 99% because I am not a risk taker and like security in life. But I don't envy the 1% and instead, I say "bravo" to them!
philasian 回复 悄悄话 穿高跟鞋的猫, American Dream, aka every family owns a house and every one can get to the higher class as long as you work hard, has already broken. Look what the housing dream became a nightmare! Unless you are one of the top 1%, you would be blind to see that working class work longer hours but make less money.
穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 Obama will push America further down the road to socialism. Capitalist America had strived in the past and attracted people from all over the world to realize their American dream. I really don't want my America to slip into a wellfare state, like Canada or the European countries with high tax, high price and low diposable income.
LaoWong 回复 悄悄话 Romney really just "believes" in his own kind, in my impression. His base is 90% red states, mostly white. He could care less about minorities. To those Chinese who think they are "white" themselves, be careful out there!