乐和园 Le He Yuan



(2010-05-28 13:46:44) 下一个
> 1. 洋蔥浸紅酒 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/RWO.htm>
>    (Red wine & onion)
> 2. 自己CPR的方法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAS.htm>
>    (The beat goes on)
> 3. 心臟病發?中風前兆 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HSS.htm>
>    (Heart attack, stroke warning signs)
> 4. 中風辨認常識 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/STR.htm>
>    (Stroke identification)
> 5. 聖心減肥良方 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHM.ht!+m>
>    (S.H.M. Diet program)
> 6. 十大營養食品 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/10N.htm>
>    (Top 10 Nutritious Food)
> 7. 治口臭食療方 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BBS.htm>
>    (Bad Breath Remedy)
> 8. 豬腳薑醋製法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GV.htm>
>    (Pig's Feet With Ginger & Vinegar)
> 9. 清心養血之良食 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HBDD.htm>
>    (Healthy Food for Heart & Blood ! )
> !
> 10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHSL.htm>
>    (Salted Lemon Tea)
> 11. 鼻敏感效湯 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/hayfever.htm>
>    (Hay fever remedial soup)
> 12. 果菜療能一覽表 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WGFY.htm>
>    (What's Good For You)
> 13. 療能食物對照表 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WGFX.htm>
>    (Cross-reference List)
> 14. 肉桂之天然食療 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINN1.htm>
> ! &! nbsp; (Cinnamon's Health Benefits)
> 15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CRAN.htm>
>    (Cranberry's Health Benefits)
> 16. 欥風筒的妙用 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HDRY.htm>
>    (The Amazing Hair Dryer)
> 17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINH.htm>
>    (Honey plus Cinnamon)
> 18. 沒事多喝檸檬水 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/LMNA.htm>
>    (Ice Lemonade)
> 19. 人過中年不悲哀 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/AMAH.htm>
>    (Live after Middle Age)
> 20. 醫生之食療介紹 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/Food_files/frame.htm>
>    (Food values from doctors)
> 21. 心肌梗塞急救法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAET_files/frame.htm>
>    (Heart attack emergency treatment)
> 22. 枸杞消! <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WOLF.htm>
>    (Chinese wolfberries for relaxation)
> 23. 紅棗保肝補氣 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUJU.htm>
>    (Jujubes-Chinese red dates)
> 24. 遠離糖尿病不難 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/DIAB.htm>
>    (Diabetes Mellitus)
> 25. 健康身心之最佳時間 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/TIME.htm>
>    (Right Timing)
> 26. 世衛評選的最佳食品 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUNF.htm>
>    (The Healthy Food)
> 27. 十大垃圾食物 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUN+K.ht!+m>
>    (The Junk Food)
> 28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GARC.htm>
>    (Garlic, ginger, honey on rice)
> 29. 沒有阿茲海默的世界<http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALZH.htm>
>      (Alzheimer Prevention)
> 30. 練太極可抗疫 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/MOVM.htm>
>    (Tai Chi stops shingles)
> 31. 飯後熱飲 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WWAM.htm>
>    (Drink warm after meals)
> 32. 食物防春季過敏 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALGY.htm>
>    (Ready for the allergy season)
> 33. 香蕉的神奇 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/banana.htm> (a)
> 熟香蕉抗癌 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BANATNF.htm>
>    (The Amazing Bananas)
> 34. 癌症新知 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CCRK.htm>
>    (Cancer updat! e ! - by a MD hospital)
> 35. 十大助排毒之食品 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/EXCR.htm>
>    (Toxin Excretion Assistants)
> 36. 腸道照顧好﹐百病不來找 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/INTEST_1.htm>
>    (Intestines Health)
> 37. 腸道簡易邉
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花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 十分有用 , 好多谢 .