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How to install php, apache, and mysql

(2010-07-16 21:07:26) 下一个
I copied it from the Internet:

chhabra_gurpreet at yahoo dot com

11-Jan-2009 07:34
Hi everyone, well i've been trying to configure, install, this setup i.e., Apache, php and mysql, well the prb wat i faced was that most of the installation instructions were quite outdated as they used quite old softwares... well these are the simple steps install and configure this entire setup, hope it will help u....(this is for windows)
Software versions:
Apache - 2.2.11
Mysql -  5.1.30-community
Php - PHP Version 5.2.8

Step 1: Default installation of Apache
Step 2: Default installation of mysql
Step 3: Download php zip file, extract it to ur C: drive under c:php
Step 4: Add these paths to ur classpath, "C:php", "C:phpext", incase ur installation directory is php, else watever is the name of ur php installation directory use that instead of php
Step 5: Open httpd.conf, that is located in Apache web server installation folder, under conf directory i.e.,
Apache Installation folder > conf > httpd.conf
Add these lines....
>LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Step 6: goto php installation directory, there u'll find a file named php-ini-recommended, rename it to, php-ini.
Step 7: Now time to modify php-ini, file... open the file in notepad, look for extension=php_mysql.dll, uncomment it, i.e., delete ";" thats prefixed...also look for "extension_dir=" append "C:phpext" incase ur php installation directory is php else "C:%installation dir%ext"
Step 8: Copy libmysql.dll to c:windowssystem32

done.......... ;)
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