
yijibang (热门博主)
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美国职场奋斗记 (22)

(2007-07-25 08:30:58) 下一个


我们经常会办聚餐,就是每个人带一个菜,中午在公司的草地,摆上桌子,一起享用。我们都说好,不准用买的,就是要亲自做的家常菜。我还特别做了韭菜盒子,葱油饼,凉拌菜。这是我来美国这么多年,第一次看到美国人那么的爱吃韭菜。我们每年也办公司郊游,邀请员工眷属一起参加。圣诞节也有大的爬梯。总之,在这个公司上上下下,气氛融洽,每天大家都是高高兴兴的上班。一直到现在,我们还是不定期的聚在一起。互通工作上的信息。可见得一个公司是可以创造出一个和谐的工作环境。只要大家协力,摒弃己私。在一个公司上班当然是为了工资,但是除了工资以外,实在还有许多其它的乐趣可以追寻的。乐趣当然包挂了自己在专业 的学习。



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yijibang 回复 悄悄话 回复realprincess的评论:
您好客气!刚开始工作要把一切基础打好。我认为最重要的还是人际关系。我们要使自己Fit Into 环境,一个公司总有一个公司的文化。然后就是学东西,尽量利用公司的Resources 学东西。有了一技之长,啥都不怕了。在翅膀没硬以前,是要忍让,谦虚。当然,是有一定的界限。谢谢您的浏览。预祝您一切顺利。
realprincess 回复 悄悄话 缓缓叙述的文笔我很喜欢,


yijibang 回复 悄悄话 回复duckling3的评论:
I am so happy for your and keep doing your good job.I always believe that our personality determines our fortune a lot. Many times if we retreat one step and we can see more clearly what's going on. 退一步海阔天空。The problem is we always have tendency to forget about that when the time comes. We are certainly lucky to work in a relatively liberal environment here in Bay Area. Again wish you the best in your success.
duckling3 回复 悄悄话 回复yijibang的评论:

Thanks for your response. I guess I am indeed lucky to have met so many good bosses. I never had the feeling that they felt I was a threat to their position. Instead, I made them feel they made the right hiring decision. In my 12 year career (Bay Area), I had earned 4 promotions, none was a request or demand, some came as surprises. Maybe it was also because I reported to department head or directors, instead a group leader or a senior scientist. I myself is at a middle manager position now, supervising and supervised many Ph.Ds. Your posts made me think I ought to be more careful and sensitive in managing Ph.Ds. And guess what, as you know, most Ph.Ds in chemistry field are Chineses.
yijibang 回复 悄悄话 回复duckling3的评论:
Thank you very much for your comment. It is quite true that I did leave my job with a hard feeling. I am sure I certainly have room for improvement. On the other hand, many times, at least in my situration,there is so much you can do. May be you are right I am not as lucky as others. But I did have good bosses who did not feel threaten by my expertise. On the other hand, they know how to use my expetise and become very successful. As many other readers point out, it is quite common to have your boss felt threaten. The question is how to manage the situation so that you can turn the negative into positive. That is all what we have to learn and classified as communication skills or interpersoanl skills. By the way, I always live a good life no matter how bad the situation in my office. Because I try my best to put only 8 hours in my office and once I leave my office, my mind is at home. Thank you for your continuing reading and wishes you the best in your career.
duckling3 回复 悄悄话 I read all 22 posts. I learned quite a bit and found the posts very interesting. I had great interest in the posts because I work in the similar field and hold Ph.D in chemistry as well. Thank you for sharing.

However, the author seems very unlucky that he did not meet any single good boss, he couldn't get along with any boss or have any lasting nice relationship. Many times, he left the job with bitterness. Frequently, he did skip level reporting and was mindful in earning credit for himself. In addition, he emphasized in almost every post that his bosses were all technically incompetent, and he got discriminated because they felt threatened by him. Frankly, I cannot believe these thoughts were from someone in the industry for more than 30 years. I don't want to be harsh, but come on, wake up and think hard what you can do to improve yourself, before you believe you have been a victim for so long. Meanwhile, get it over with some bad experiences, and try to have a higher quality of life. The part you fought with your Chinese boss is especially, well, sad…