可爱梦园 (*^_^*) * 爱要有你才完美

愛有許多種,哪一種才是永恆的? 我用一生一世的心,去等一生一世的情!
Loveforever1314 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

[可爱音画] You are my Angle

(2011-07-29 05:20:55) 下一个

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lilliantam 回复 悄悄话 Would you mind if I tell you that you are spelling the wrong word of Angel instead of angle ?
花自飘飘零 回复 悄悄话 好听!
Loveforever1314 回复 悄悄话 You are my Angle 周美欣 (法证先锋II插曲)

Once upon a time
an angel in the sky
made comfort every night
once upon a time
the angel loved me so
it's a miracle in the snow
my heart won't be cold
my dear you are my angel
tell me what you know
something should be told
my dear you are my angel
tell me where you go
I will breathe behind your love

