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SARS 病毒发现者能得 Nobel Prize 吗?

(2010-12-26 16:11:59) 下一个

感谢中国政府的严格控制, SARS 病毒没有全球传开来, 好像国内2002/2003年有近上千人死于 SARS 病毒感染。 如果阐明HIV引起AIDS, H. pylori 导致胃溃疡及胃癌, 那发现SARS 病毒者也可能获奖。 只是SARS 病毒的Impact少(小)一写 (死的人多了反而能得奖?It's not logical, but may be true)。发现SARS 病毒的有中国人吗?我记得有大陆和Hong Kong的科学家。 可是 Wikipedia 引用的全都是美加的科学家。Chinese (广东) was definitely the first discoverer of the infectious disease, but who first determined the cause of the disease? Who obtained and published the viral sequence first? Who used the purified infectious agent to infect animals to prove the disease? The answers to these questions will decide who will be the recipient of a future Nobel Prize winner if there is one.


SARS coronavirus

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Virus classification
Group:Group IV ((+)ssRNA)
Species:SARS coronavirus

The SARS coronavirus, sometimes shortened to SARS-CoV, is the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).[1] On April 16, 2003, following the outbreak of SARS in Asia and secondary cases elsewhere in the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a press release stating that the coronavirus identified by a number of laboratories was the official cause of SARS. Samples of the virus are being held in laboratories in New York, San Francisco, Manila, Hong Kong, and Toronto.

On April 12, 2003, scientists working at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia finished mapping the genetic sequence of a coronavirus believed to be linked to SARS. The team was led by Dr. Marco Marra and worked in collaboration with the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, using samples from infected patients in Toronto.The map, hailed by the WHO as an important step forward in fightingSARS, is shared with scientists worldwide via the GSC website (seebelow).

Dr. Donald Low of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto described the discovery as having been made with "unprecedented speed."[2]

The sequence of the SARS coronavirus has since been confirmed by other independent groups.


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