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(2010-10-20 19:51:20) 下一个





李大夫先告诉普姑娘,这副中药含九味药材,各是什么,各可从哪些省份找到,各是多少克(与时俱进,不用钱两)。九味药材是威灵仙,独活,羌活,防风或旁风,秦艽,当归,川芎,杜仲,牛膝。李大夫先告诉普姑娘什么样的植物用作威灵仙: The dried root of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, Clematis hexapetala Pall., Clematis uhcinata Champ., Clematis armandi Franch., Clematis uncinata Champ. Ex Benth., Clematis meyeniana Walp., Clematis henryi Oliv., Clematis finetiana Levl. Et Vant., Clematis manshurica or Clematis paniculata Thunb. Rupr was used in the first herbal composition. The Radix Clematidis is also harvested from the root of Smilax scobinicaulis C. H. Wright, Smilax Stans Maxim., Smilax sieboldi Miq., Veronicastrum sibiricum (L.) Pennell, or Inula nervosa Wall. 李大夫告诉普姑娘这些药材在中国的哪些省份可以找到:  The roots were obtained from the Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, and Fujian provinces of China. 余八药材的内容同理,在此省略。 

李大夫先接着告诉普姑娘九药材的配方: Radix Clematidis 12 g Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g Radix Saposhnikoviae 10 g Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae 10 g Radix Angelicae Sinensis 20 g Rhizoma Chuanxiong 15 g Cortex Eucommiae 10 g Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 10 g. 一步一步如何配制中药胶囊: a. Individually weigh the herbs; b. Wash and dry the herbs; c. Cut the dried herbs into small pieces. d. Grind the dry herbs into powder; f. Pass the powder through an about 100 mesh; g. Pour about 0.3 g of the powder into a capsule. 一步一步如何配制中药药酒: a. Put 700 kg powder prepared in (I) into a 5000 L container; b. Add 3500 L 50 degree liquor into the container and stir every 2 hours for 3 days(搅拌三天,真不容易); c. Add 1500 L water into the container and stir every 2 hours for 3 days(又搅拌三天); d. Filtrate residue and collect the supernatant. 

如何用药酒对比治疗一组风湿性关节炎患者: Observe group, 20 patients, was treated with ARL (30 ml/d). It was taken before sleep or equally divided to be taken in the morning and evening. In the mean time, active control group, 20 patients, was treated with the combination of Methotrexate (MTX) (once a week, 7.5 mg), Mian IV (a recipe contain 28 ingredients, a house made medicine for RA in this hospital, one preparation per day) and one NSAID, such as Fenbid, Arthrotec, etc. 疗效reportedly显著,在此省略。 

如何用中药胶囊对比治疗一组风湿性关节炎患者: Thirty-six (36) typical active RA patients were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Observe group, 18 patients, was treated with ARC (4 capsules t.i.d., each capsule is about 0.3 g). In the mean time, 18 patients in the active control group were treated with the combination of Methotrexate (once a week, 10 mg), Folic acid (daily, 5 mg) and Arthrotec (b.i.d. 50 mg). 疗效reportedly显著,在此省略。 

李大夫特别描述了一位令人同情的长达20年的风湿性关节炎患者,手肿得很厉害,什么也干不成: The patient was a 53 years old male farmer with about 20 years RA history…The patient complained long duration of morning stiffness, rest pain, fatigue and apparent swelling on his hand. He was most of time staying in bed. 中药药酒疗效reportedly显著,有照片对比,在此省略。 

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