盈袖2006 (热门博主)
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冷笑话 续

(2009-04-19 17:21:53) 下一个



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盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 回复纵然平行的评论:
I guess it is. Nannantou said the cruelness made it COLD. I think there is always a bit irony in each of them as well, somewhat like "black humor" but not that bad.

Anyway cold jokes are nothing comparable to humor, which I love and is based on wisdom, wit and warm hearts.

You are right. I DO cherish this connection with my baby. It is the key point in all that happens in our lives. I enjoy the life with her, in fact, more and more as she grows up.
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 This joke is funny. It seems also bearing same shade of aggression/violence like the previous two of them; but still, what can be found are the rhythm of laughter struck a chord and lit mother and daughter’s bonding moments which scattered with bodies of casualties from banana to tomatoes :).

However, I think that those joyful moments should never be taken lightly as the closeness formed with a dose of humor between a child and parents may actually help synthesizing ever-positive attitude and boosting confidence within. Later, these qualities would come in handy if any challenge arises.

Anyway, mother and daughter, funny and funnier and smart and smarter! :)).
盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 是我生我养我喜欢的小冤家,也不知道小脑袋是怎么想出来的。

陈默 回复 悄悄话 小家伙真有意思。
