一字记之若心 (非公开的博客)

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老板啊老板, 我可以战胜你吗? zt

(2009-01-17 09:53:16) 下一个

...If your boss is just an idiot though, you will probably find you are better off getting another job. Make a list of your complaints, what your boss is doing wrong, why you think your boss is a poor boss, and what you think a better solution would be in those situations. Present it reasonably to higher management and see what they say. If you really have a good case and they are good management, they may take your recommendations or you will end up with his job.

However, if he is actually wrong and hurting the company, there is a good chance management won't care. They run the company, and they may have a completely different view of what is good and bad for the company then you do. Even before you try to fix what's wrong with your company you should be looking for somewhere else to go.

I've seen a very small number of employees fight their boss and win - and in those cases it was usually a very clear case of discrimination or harassment. Usually, unless the person fighting the boss is completely irreplacable, they lose. The most you could really hope for would be getting transferred to another role under another boss. It's very doubtful that a single employee voicing complaints will get a manager fired and is more likely to get themself written up or fired unless they are the owner's kid.

In all honesty, I wouldn't even bother fighting the battle. Find another job and don't piss off people who your new company will be calling for references. It sucks, but that's part of being a worker.
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