
朴素的情感, 纯真的爱

(2008-11-10 14:58:06) 下一个

文革中及中华人民共和国成立以后, 大家一直在寻找和 Dreaming to 保持和 to Develop that 朴素的无产阶级感情, which had been tasted and had lead 大家从一个胜利走向另外一个更加伟大的胜利 in the past, especially during the 艰苦的战争年代, as it has always been said when we were little.

However, the bond 无产阶级建立的, while they were actually living as 无产阶级, would naturally 退化, 变质 as 历次运动 fighting for and trying so hard to maintain, while living in peaceful time 和平时期.  

So does money have done to our current 资本主义 system and people under it, perhaps, since we are so much into or 动感情 toward 起浮沉降 of the market. Some people can not say one single sentence without Money. Every person, every thing coming across, has to be 折合成 以"钱"为单位. I guess, may be because holding on and rigidly depending too much on the existing Monetary system, the financial Earthquake 才actually发生. 再看 each business owner, 不到倒闭了, 就不信自己的生益也会有不赚钱的一天. I guess, people already forget Where 钱 coming from (or should be coming from), and Why one should 赚钱 in the first place. Then, eventually 沦落为金钱的奴隶.

Human's 情感, lead to (你給我, 我就給你; 你对我好, 我就(才)对你好;)的功利型的 conditional human relationship, like tumbling in the circle of drunkenness, not until we practice True, Pure, 的 God's Love, we shall not be able to get out of such a mud of our own fate of perishing 毁灭.

Love to the world will surely lead us to destruction and death, since it's temporary, sinful and perishable by nature.

As Jesus said, the greatest commandment in the law is, "Love the Lord your God 爱主, 你的上帝 with all your heart 全心 and with all your soul 全部灵魂 and with all your mind 全意" (与源头, 与所有 相联) (Matthew 22:36). And the second is, 'Love your neighbor as yourself 爱人如己.' (So that 人际关系 才可望 透明) (Matthew 22:39).

Only 靠情感, 恩报, 来维持的 relationships 关系, wouldn't last 长久 either. It'll come and go by chance, and varying, changing according to the particular period of time and situations we are caught up with. It can be ended up just like how it appears from the beginning, without much growing or/and significant impact left on our life, if lucky enough not have pains, negative emotions or even resentment remaining inside. What a waste, after All!

Many Chinese 太太, 大部分也同时是妈妈, 都认为爱孩子要比爱丈夫 (作一个让丈夫满意的太太) 容易. Some even say, "If you can love your husband in the way you love your child, you'll have a happy marriage."

Looking into details, after a short survey, we found 太太认为丈夫要自己: 第一, 漂亮; 第二, 温柔, 体帖; 第三, 做好饭, 带好孩子; 少数加之, 能赚钱贴作家用. 而丈夫们确说, 希望自己的太太尊重自己是第一, 了解自己的心意最重要, and after bunch of other things, 最后一条是'打扮'.

一直感觉男人更深刻, 警省一些. 这里发现我们中国的兄弟们更甚. 看来中国的文化和传统并没有把他们漫待了. 对女人也有 "贤慧(惠)" (Wise Like a Saint) 的要求.

这与基督教所要求的, 女人对自己的丈夫 (同样看作是 "" -- 当家人), 首要的是要 "敬重", 然后是 "顺服", 是很相仿的. It has little or even nothing to do with 他先对我怎么样, 说的好听不好听, 给我买花没买, etc. 的 conditions. It has everything to do with, our believing in Him because of God, and for loving Him in the right way and doing right thing (much like loving our own children in principle, as far as the unconditional nature is concerned). 我们对 丈夫好, 接受他, 看重他, 就象对待上帝最初所造的那个最完美的男人一样-- 給予他我们最由衷的赞美和爱恋. 

不是因为 他完美 我们才去爱他, 而是因着我们的爱 他才变得一天比一天
 更加完美和快乐. 女人是创造爱的女神, if we go along with God, aren't we? 上帝的爱是最真, 最纯, 没有穷尽的. How can our love be limited? 而不是涓涓流淌永无尽头.

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