wenjuyuan2008-05-12 18:24:49回复悄悄话
典型的书呆子,自以为深沈。典型的西方话语立场代表。认为中国人应该顺从西方标准,而不是"民族主义"。Her English is perfectly grammatical, but she has difficulty finding idomatic expressions for her thoughts, so she sometimes goes round and round trying to close in, and that would give some Westerners the "evidience" that Orientals in general and Chinese in particular are not able to think in a "linear" mode but in circles.
smallvoice2008-05-09 23:27:17回复悄悄话
I think she is saying that Chinese is like teenage right now: feel confident blindly, but not quite understand our responsibilities.
Hard to take it, but, she is not completely wrong.
But, it cannot be the excuse for westerns to trash China like this.
Hard to take it, but, she is not completely wrong.
But, it cannot be the excuse for westerns to trash China like this.