

Las Vegas 圣诞游 (1) – 概况

(2007-12-26 21:10:03) 下一个

受两个多小时旅游节目的感染,即刻决定去 Las Vegas 渡圣诞假。十二月二十日起程,二十六日返回,整一星期。这个旅游节目中所吸引我的地方是 Las Vegas 的顶级美食,艺术表演,购物,和 Spa 。对赌博,我向来是兴趣缺缺,所以也不会为它去花时间和金钱。这次 Las Vegas 之行享受最多的就是美食。其它依次顺序是看表演, Spa ,和购物。本也想去见识一下那里有名的 Nightclubs, 如在 Caesars Palace 的 PURE 和在 Wynn 的 TRYST. 但由于时差反应和绝大部分 Nightclubs 在圣诞左右都不开门,便只好作罢。

第一次去Las Vegas 是1989 年春,还在做学生时。第二次是1999 年去香港之前到那里参加 DanceSport 比赛。每次都能明显感觉到 Las Vegas 的发展。如今 Las Vegas Strip 上的旅馆真是另辟天地。每个旅馆内就象一个各俱风格的小城市。下面是一些 Las Vegas Strip 上的街景。要知内里如何,请听下回分解。


2.远处的Caesars Palace

3.The Mirage Hotel Front View

4.MGM Grand

5. New York New York

6. Paris


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78级兴趣 回复 悄悄话 Hi,FG,Vegal 系列介绍写的好。谢谢共享!
你是否忘记漏了 Wynn Las Vegas? 那是近年新开张一家5星酒店赌场,里面装修很豪华的。祝 好文章不断!
goodbaby98 回复 悄悄话 去Las Vegas渡假啦?我的第一个感觉也是那里的天气真好,天空很蓝。:)
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 回复DUMARTINI的评论:
是啊,WXC的这个博客既能帮我们保持记忆,也便于同朋友们交流。也祝 DM JJ 新的一年有更多崭新经历,使博客更精彩。
DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 很美的照片很有价值的连载啊
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 Yes Melly. I was lucky to have all beautiful days out there, but it was cold most of the time. The fountain in front of Paris was from Bellagio, since I toke from Bellagio side. I've seen the fountain performance several times, day and night, beautiful. I guess Venetian has been renewed since last time you were there, quite a trendy place now, like in Venis, but newer and smaller. I'll post some of its photos later. I've taken some pictures of the gondolas and gondoliers, but I didn't take them, did in Venis though.

My next post will be the delicious food.
melly 回复 悄悄话 Good girl. you are so quick this time. :-)))

Seemed you were very luck to enjoy good weather. Hmm.delicious food, my favorite too. I love Bellagio, especially music funtain. I bet you love it too. Did they build funtain in Paris too? Looks like they are also dancing happily. Venetian is always one of my favborite though it looks old and sort of worn out inside. Maybe this is why I love it. Did you take the boat? Any boy sang a love song to you beautiful girl? :-)))

Do you have pictures for delicious food? Ha, can't wait to take a look.

Good day.