laoyangdelp (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

有感于“美国投资银行员工收入丰厚 平均周薪近8500美元”

(2007-09-05 17:03:14) 下一个
人比人气死人啊 :-)

There are two people from my family work for 投资银行 so I know their actual income. I can assure you None of them make near 400k. But they are just barely 25, so 钱程无量。

But I also know a guy (27) worked for hedge fund for 2 years when he first out of college. He declared retirement this year. He made a small fortune and is enough to have his own hedge fund comp. He is humble. He said he'll run his company from a sailboat because sailing is his passion. :-)

Life is not always fair as old saying goes.

As for our ordinary people, we live an ordinary life. That means 9-5, salary just enough to feed the family, pay the mortage, and save some for retirement. When you are 60, you retire with just enough to support yourselves to 90. What happens after 90? Only God knows.

The key is, I live a happy life. So, I'm happy. :-) Who cares how much other people makes.
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greyleggoose 回复 悄悄话 For Aspemhsu:
Just say hi,:)))
By the way, I haven't figured out how I should prononce your name.
sceneofwomen 回复 悄悄话 I like your attitude -- I am same here....
We made the choice of our life most of times, money is not everything, it is ok to be an ordinary people, and be aware of the happienss you get from the ordinary life....
ASPENHSU 回复 悄悄话 [人比人气死人啊] -- Don't do it...
ASPENHSU 回复 悄悄话 回复greyleggoose的评论:
27', he made a "small" fortune, it has to be at least 10M's. He might live on the interests he has earned from. You would never know what is going to happen to rest of his life though...
飞飞~ 回复 悄悄话 greyleggoose, 博主的意思是说那个27岁的男人自己已经赚够了,有足够的钱让自己退休了,不需要社会保险退休金或公司的PENSION。:)
greyleggoose 回复 悄悄话 27? What do you mean he deeclared retirement at 27? What I know is that you have to own at least 40 credits ( each year you can only own up to 4 credits), so you have to work at least 10 years to retire.
罢了 回复 悄悄话 Man proposals and God disposals. Life is never fair as you said; and Life is fair most of time as I said, since everything in our life is a constant -- you lose here and you win there. If you can live up to 90 or plus, that means you have lived more than a whole completed life, so, who cares about the lift after 90 :-); who cares about the life after a completed life!

Oh well, don't worry, be happy! Drink your milk, eat your beef potato stew, and get up & down, then, stay put! Don't you think this is the life you expected most? If it is, lucky you!
