weston (热门博主)
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(2007-01-25 13:46:58) 下一个

她和 Ana Vidovic是新一代中最出色的两位演奏家。杨来自北京,生于1977年。是陈志的学生,成为中央音乐学院第一个吉他专业学生。她深得当代吉他大师约翰威廉斯的赏识,  他在北京听了她的演奏,等演完他在北京香港的音乐会后,特地把用了多年的演奏专用琴送给她,并安排她去英皇家音乐学院就学。下面第5个片断里有更详细的。

2003年从皇家音乐学院毕业后,非常活跃,有很多演奏会,包括和摇滚乐的合作(片断 7)。同时出了两张 CD (EMI) 《四季》和《Romance De Amor》,在英很畅销。


《爱的浪漫曲  Romance de Amor 
2 . Stanley Myers, 短抒情调Cavatina
4 .Koyunbaba
5 . 关于杨雪霏
6·罗伯士H. Villa-Lobos)《12首练习曲 中,Estudios 1112
7Night of the Proms 2003
8Gast,  《伦巴舞曲》 是一个四重奏,王亚梦、李洁、苏萌、陈姗姗都是陈志的学生.

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shanmao 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for your explain. i just a amateu player and my best friend is a kind of professional plyer. I thought her music hears almost as same as Yang.
weston 回复 悄悄话 What do you mean by "where are others?" other students from Chen Zi? or you other guitarists from other countries?
Classical guitarists are in small numbers, most are amateu players starting very late, few are like her started young and spent yrs practicing, unlike in violin or piano playing.
As I said she and Ana Vidovic are the top players, there are some others, like David Russell (whe's about 40ish). But in the 20-30 range, they're the best right now.
Her CD was among the top 5 in UK for string instruments.
shanmao 回复 悄悄话 Is she really a one of top in the world? I can't believe it! Where are others?
weston 回复 悄悄话 shanmao: thanks for stopping by. good to see so many fans of guitar music.
shanmao 回复 悄悄话 why the girl looks like me? Even her post with guita and herself!