Wen Jia Bao Second Hu Yao Bang?
文章来源: 胡祈随想2010-04-28 06:25:57
Wen Jia Bao Second Hu Yao Bang?

Hu Qi Dog Thinking?

Recently the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jia Bao surprised the World putting out his memory of the former Communist Party Chief Hu Yao Bang? Why?

Hu Yao Bang was a failed Chinese politician and he was pushed out by the conservative gang?

Most likely, Wen Jia Bao has faced same pressure during the Chinese Communist Polibureau meetings?Actually, Wen Jia Bao has lost most of his power as a Chinese Prime Minister?

In my dog view, Wen Jia Bao is the second Hu Yao Bang?