心灵鸡汤 -- 怎样移动富士山 | 点评 (5)
文章来源: carpe_diem2009-02-16 12:18:35



事物本无好与坏, 只是我们的想法去区分它. -- 莎士比亚

-- 用你的行动去影响你的心态
-- 不要经常说消极词语
-- 心怀感激
-- 学会自我激励

[CD note]: Every coin has the flip side. Changing the way we look at things is really changing our attitude and mentality, which determins how we do things and how we lead our lives. It's probably the most difficult thing to most people because it's a change of the fundamentals of ourselves. A habit takes one week to one month to build, yet a change of habit takes up to one year to happen. Be prepared.