Daddy didn't come
文章来源: 盐津铺子2010-08-16 12:59:18
Facebook post:

Took Valentina to Ikea on the rainy Sunday afternoon, so Daddy can take a nap. She loves the ball room there and I enjoyed 30 minutes of shopping alone time. We had snacks too: mac cheese and milk, her favorite, and french fry, cake and coffee, my favorite. The best of all, we chatted over the table, just like old friends. At the end, she became sad and said: Daddy didn't come! It's so good to have a daughter!

周末两天,弟弟们生病,不能全家出门。星期六带了珠珠去给虎贝看医生,然后爸爸把我们留在playground玩儿。很久没有妈妈带珠珠玩儿了,发现她还是那么慢悠悠小心翼翼的,但是身体协调能力大为提高,爬上爬下爬高爬低不停歇。玩得最高兴的是在秋千上,妈妈坐秋千上,珠珠推,还让我仰着,她搂着我的脖子唱:rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top ... 

星期天下雨,本想带她去图书馆的,但是她念叨着要去Ikea的ball room。我最享受的是snack time。她坐在我对面,高高兴兴地吃mac cheese喝牛奶,我慢慢吃薯条,蛋糕喝咖啡。看着她清澈纯净的大眼睛,我们俩有一搭没一搭地闲聊着,享受着mother-daughter time。别无所求!
