文章来源: DUMARTINI2010-02-24 16:14:02





是为了奖励加拿大安大略省的Tessa Virtue和 Scott Moir

年轻人 (20岁/22岁)


啧啧啧,看看这男孩 感性丰富的面部表情


2月22日晚,在温哥华市东的太平洋体育馆(Pacific Coliseum.),冬奥运会双人花样滑冰上舞蹈(Figure Skating / Ice Dance)比赛中,加拿大队的Tessa Virtue和 Scott Moir以总分 221.57赢得了金牌。


出场时Tessa Virtue全身洁白,Scott Moir则白衣黑裤,在第五交响乐曲柔美舒缓的音乐中开始表演。二人在技术动作中采用了很多高难度托举旋转等动作,并完美无瑕地完成了所有动作,征服了裁判和所有观众。

Moir在比赛还使出他们的招牌动作“the Goose”,就是Tessa Virtue右脚踩在Scott Moir的腿上,左腿后踢,而Scott Moir同时继续配合音乐滑冰表演,完美地完成了这一个高难度动作。


在Tessa Virtue和Scott Moir结束表演等报分数的那一刻,整个太平洋体育馆化成了一片红白相间枫叶旗的海洋,全场观众纷纷起立欢呼。


一个相视的眼神,一个握手的动作 。。。冰场内外,显而易见


他们应该就是一对情侣,否则真的难以解释 相互间的这种和谐的合二为一

读了以下这个文字 我还是将信将疑----金童和玉女 难道他们不是绝配?

The unquestionable chemistry

They lock eyes, clasp hands and the music starts, and for the next four minutes Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir skate as if there's nobody else in the building.

The Canadian ice dancing duo is among the best in the world, known for their innovative lifts, their intricate spins and footwork, and classic elegance in a discipline too often characterized by its kitschy costumes and cheesy routines.
Much of their allure is their unquestionable chemistry, their ability to capture an audience with their utterly believable romance.

But the two are just friends, their relationship forged over sweat and spills and spirals in the more than 10 years they've been partners.

"Maybe the reason why we've lasted so long is we respect each other as individuals and we love each other,'' Moir says. "We've been together for so long, we've grown up together, and we just have this respect for each other, and the skating works.''

It wasn't always so.
For the first year of what would eventually flourish into a medal-winning partnership, Virtue and Moir barely spoke to one another.

"Noooo,'' Moir's mom Alma says, laughing. "He was kind of sweet on her at first, and at that age when you have to hold a girl's hand, it's like 'Oh no, I can't talk to her too.' It was funny the first little bit.''

Virtue, 20, and the 22-year-old Moir - who did date briefly when they were younger - quickly developed into one of the top young dance tandems in the country, and in 2006 became the first Canadian ice dancers to win the ISU world junior championships.

"They were always good skaters, but they just had something that you can't coach,'' aunt Carol Moir says. "They just had a rapport with each other and even at a younger age it came through. They're both performers so they like to be out there, but they had something with each other. . . a good respect. And you cannot coach it.''







难道夏季奥运会上 能允许有人跳着 难度也很大的双人 民间舞蹈

从而夺得 金牌 银牌 铜牌?

那么明年 请为在水里潜舞的某双人舞 评奖!。。。



我很喜欢他看她的眼神,有一种无法抵挡的柔情蜜意(图) -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (8365 bytes) (5352 reads) 2/24/10 


•  为了抵抗他们的魅力, -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (42 bytes) (74 reads) 2/24/10 

•  你可能去了不良网站 ;-) -crosfan- ♂ 给 crosfan 发送悄悄话 crosfan 的个人博客首页 crosfan 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/24/10 

•  没有呵,我去找那女孩的图片,结果中了招,是木马。。把防毒 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (20 bytes) (14 reads) 2/24/10 

•  me too! 我很喜欢他看她的眼神,有一种无法抵挡的柔情蜜意(图) -HappyNow?!- ♂ 给 HappyNow?! 发送悄悄话 HappyNow?! 的个人博客首页 HappyNow?! 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (28 reads) 2/24/10 

•  ——))) -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 2/24/10 

•  真正的青梅竹马 -好吃狗- ♀ 给 好吃狗 发送悄悄话 好吃狗 的个人博客首页 好吃狗 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/24/10 

•  一起跳了十三年,都变亲人了 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/24/10 

•  Remember at the beginning of their performance, he -碧薇- ♀ 给 碧薇 发送悄悄话 碧薇 的个人博客首页 碧薇 的个人群组 (86 bytes) (66 reads) 2/24/10 

•  这男孩性格外向,很有幽默感 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (58 bytes) (38 reads) 2/24/10 

•  haha, that's cute ~~ He obviously has high EQ. -碧薇- ♀ 给 碧薇 发送悄悄话 碧薇 的个人博客首页 碧薇 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/24/10 

•  说得太对了~很稀罕的 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/24/10 

•  金童玉女...LZ有点偏心。第一张照片只看到女孩的眼神。。。 -baydad- ♂ 给 baydad 发送悄悄话 baydad 的个人博客首页 baydad 的个人群组 (136 bytes) (51 reads) 2/24/10 

•  Well, just enjoy the show. As for the rest, none of our business -碧薇- ♀ 给 碧薇 发送悄悄话 碧薇 的个人博客首页 碧薇 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/24/10 

•  纯属八卦一下。哈 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 2/24/10 

•  哈,这样默契不是一对就不对了 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (32 bytes) (16 reads) 2/24/10 

•  haha, 杜姐,stop obsessing :))) -碧薇- ♀ 给 碧薇 发送悄悄话 碧薇 的个人博客首页 碧薇 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/24/10 

•  好的 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 DUMARTINI 的个人群组 (14 bytes) (2 read)

• 嗨,还以为你说申雪赵宏博呢,他看她的眼神很有爱 -rlsrls08- ♀ 给 rlsrls08 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 2/25/10 
• 是有不少情侣对~ -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 2/26/10 
• 他们早就承认是情侣了。 -oceana- ♀ 给 oceana 发送悄悄话 oceana 的个人博客首页 (192 bytes) (102 reads) 2/25/10 
• 真的?我落伍了啊 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 2/26/10 
• 还情侣?什么眼神儿啊?那男的明明是给。 -limorxy- ♂ 给 limorxy 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (43 reads) 2/25/10 
• 你什么眼神儿啊?那男的分明不是给。 -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 2/26/10 
• 如果真有情, 会成眷属的. 最后一张照片上的Moir看上去像 -xiaoxiqingqing- ♀ 给 xiaoxiqingqing 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (48 bytes) (104 reads) 2/25/10 
• 鼓掌!!! -小分队员- ♂ 给 小分队员 发送悄悄话 小分队员 的个人博客首页 (10 bytes) (12 reads) 2/25/10 
 谢谢小分提供的杀毒大全~~~ -DUMARTINI- ♀ 给 DUMARTINI 发送悄悄话 DUMARTINI 的个人博客首页 (94 bytes) (1 reads) 2/26/10