有关历史哲学的笔记 (一):从美国的金融危机看历史的终结
文章来源: 一个人的亲密2008-10-09 12:25:01
有关历史哲学的笔记 (一):从美国的金融危机看历史的终结




我以前读哲学书,很少看有关历史哲学方面的东西。后来去欧洲旅行,对意大利文艺复兴时代的许多历史感兴趣。这才涉及知道一些有关意大利哲学家维柯的观点(Giambattista Vico, 1668-1744)。开始觉得历史哲学的奥妙。


其中有段话我觉得很有启发的是:It is the organization of the past that makes the past valuable, just as it is the organization of phenomena in scientific formulas that makes the study of nature valuable.


The cliché that history must be rewritten every generation should therefore run somewhat differently: the past cannot help being reconceived by every generation,but the earlier reports upon it are in the main as good and true as they ever were. The revisionism of historians, rightly considered, does not substitute, it subtracts a little and adds more.

另一位学者则说: The major changes in historical interpretation do not, as the layman often imagines, arise from the discovery of new evidence-the chest full of ussuspected documents…. What is most likely to happen is that the historian will find what he is looking for, namely, the documents which will explain and illustrate his own point of view. But what is he looking for? Surely he is looking for the truth-for what really happened. It is his job as a scholar to form as exact an idea of past events as he can from the surviving evidence. But the instrument with which he looks at the past is modern. It was made, and shaped, and it operates, in the present. It is his own mind. And however much he bends his thoughts toward the past, his own way of thinking, his outlook, his opinions are the products of the time in which he lives. So that all written history…. is a compound of past and present. (C.V.Wedgwood, The Present in the Past, page 235).
