文章来源: 酒涡2005-12-23 04:54:51
不是我的那杯茶 最近读亦舒的中短篇,常看到“他不是我的那杯茶”这样的措辞。意即:他不是我喜 欢的那个类型,他不符合我的品味,他不适合我,他不对我的胃口等等。然而前者 的措辞更简洁典雅。 这里的确是有个英文的典故的,出自百老汇的经典歌剧"The King and I"。大家或 许对这个名字并不熟悉,但说起"Anna and the King"就耳熟的多了吧?后者正是前 者同名电影的翻拍,只是场面更加奢华。论演员,一样是用的当时的红牌。"my cup of tea"出现在女主角,泰国皇家家庭教师Anna,在初次给皇子公主王妃上课时,触 景生情而唱的经典"Getting to know you",表示虽然她和大家的背景不同,但是很 乐意沟通融合。最终Anna嫁给了King of Siam,成就一段佳话。 扯远了。其实“不是我的那杯茶”来自于自知之明,即锐利地洞察他人和自己,但 大多时候有些居高临下的倨傲和尖刻,就好象书香门第的瞧不起暴发户,认为他们 穷得只剩钱。与之相比,同样是摆正自己和他人关系的“齐大非偶”一辞,就有些 福薄缘浅高攀不上的自嘲,更多的是“命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求”的洒脱。 我欣赏这两种做人姿态都是清清白白的用词。 附:Getting to Know You It's a very ancient saying, But a true and honest thought, That if you become a teacher, By your pupils you'll be taught. As a teacher I've been learning (You'll forgive me if I boast) And I've now become an expert, On the subject I like most... Getting to know you! Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me. Getting to know you, putting it my way, But nicely, You are precisely, My cup of tea. Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy When I am with you, Getting to know what to say Haven't you noticed Suddenly I'm bright and breezy Because of all the beautiful and new Things I'm learning about you Day by day Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to hope you like me. Getting to know you, Putting it my way, but nicely, You are precisely, My cup of tea Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy When I am with you, Getting to know what to say Haven't you noticed Suddenly I'm bright and breezy Because of all the beautiful and new Things I'm learning about you Day by day