文章来源: 水沫2006-08-26 10:18:48


3块 8 盎司 成包的PHILADELPHIA奶酪
2/3 杯 糖
2 个鸡蛋
1 茶匙香草精
12 香草薄酥饼


预先将烤箱加热到350F, 至少5 分钟。

取一个中等碗, 用电搅拌器以中等速度搅打奶酪, 糖和香草精直到完全混和。 加入鸡蛋,  一次加一个, 低速搅拌直到混匀。

取一平底锅, 先放上烘烤杯,然后放入香草薄酥饼做成12个 杯形的托底。用匙子将搅拌好的混合物填入烘烤杯中。

烘烤在350F, 45 分钟左右。 冷藏4 个小时或隔夜。 食用前上方用薄饼覆盖。  



3 8-oz. packages  PHILADELPHIA cream cheese
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 vanilla wafer


Preheat oven to 350F for at least 5 minutes.

In a medium bowl, BEAT cream cheese, sugar and vanilla extract withelectric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at atime, mixing on low speed after each addition until smooth.

In a muffin pan, add a baking cup first and then a vanilla wafer to each of 12 cup-shaped depressions.

Using a spoon to fill the baking cup with the mix.

Bake at 350F for about 45 minutes or until center is almost set .Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Top with pie filling before serving.  

Make a dozen cup cheese cake.