自由诗 (free verse) 和散文诗 (prose poem) 的区别
文章来源: CBA72023-10-31 00:01:33

自由诗(free verse)和散文诗(prose poem)是两个不同的诗歌类别,二者在形式上有一个最显著的不同点:自由诗分行,散文诗看起来像散文,而不是像自由诗那样分行。

According to Wikipedia,“a prose poem appears as prose, reads as poetry, yet lacks line breaks associated with poetry but uses…fragmentation, compression, repetition and rhyme and…poetry symbols, metaphor, and figures of speech. Prose poetry…is essentially a hybrid or fusion of [prose and poetry].”


自由体诗_百度百科 (baidu.com)

散文诗(现代抒情文学体裁)_百度百科 (baidu.com)

Free verse | Poetry Foundation

Prose poem | Poetry Foundation

What is Free-Verse Poetry? | Writing Forward

What is Prose Poetry? | Writing Forward

相关链接:Free Verse vs. Prose Poem (自由诗和散文诗的区别) - CBA7发表于 美语世界 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)