文章来源: 牟山雁2021-01-06 21:55:49


      作为中国文学史上最为多才多艺的文学巨匠,苏轼(1037-1101)的作品在西方也广为读者接受和欣赏。本文不拟总述苏轼作品在西方的传播,而是选取半个世纪以来在美国本科教学中最为流行的三种英文本中国文学选集(教材), 来探讨苏轼及其作品在西方中国文学教学中的地位,品评苏轼作品译介之得失,并以此蠡测苏轼作品在西方的传播和接受。


      这里要加以讨论的三种英文本中国文学选集,第一种是加州大學伯克利分校東方語言文學系白芝(Cyril Birth) 教授主编、1965年由纽约叢林出版社(Grove Press)出版的《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第二种是宾夕法尼亚大学东亚系梅维恒(Victor Mair)教授主编、1994年哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,第三种是哈佛大学东亚语言文化系教授宇文所安(Steven Owen)主编并翻译、1996年由纽约诺顿(Norton)出版社出版的《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》。


梅维恒教授的选本收录苏轼诗七首,依次是: 1)《白鹤山新居》 (海国困蒸溽);2)《书郡陵王主簿所画折枝》 (论画以形似);3)《书晁补之所藏与可竹》 (与可画竹时)4)《读孟郊诗》;5)《黑云翻墨》;6)《吴中田妇叹》;7)《东坡》。

词九首, 依次是: 1)[定风波](莫听穿林打叶声);2)[江城子](老夫聊发少年狂);3)[鹧鸪天](林断山明竹隐墙);4)[蝶恋花](花褪残红青杏小);5)[水调歌头](明月几时有);6)[江城子](十年生死两茫茫);7)[满庭芳](角虚名蝇头微利);8)[临江仙](夜饮东坡醒复);9)[永遇乐](明月如霜)。


宇文所安教授的选本共收录苏轼词七首,依次是:1)[水调歌头](明月几时有);2)[临江仙](夜饮东坡醒复);3)[定风波](莫听穿林打叶声);4)[念奴娇](大江东去);5)[西江月] (三过平山堂下);6)[满庭芳](角虚名蝇头微利);7)[醉落魄](轻云微月)。

诗十六首,依次是: 1) 《石苍舒醉墨堂》; 2)《书晁补之所藏与可画竹三首》之第一首; 3)《书王定国所藏烟江叠嶂图》; 4)《长安陈汉卿家见吴道子画佛》(贵人金多身复闲); 5)《 和文与可洋川园池 · 湖桥》; 6)《东坡》; 7)《舟中夜起》; 8)《腊日游孤山访惠勤惠思二僧》; 9)《登州海市》; 10)《和述古冬日牡丹四首》其一(一朵妖紅翠欲流); 11-12)《东坡八首》之一、二; 13)《澄迈驿通潮阁两首》之二(余生欲老海南村);14)《六月二十日夜渡海》;15)《和子由渑池池怀旧》;及16)《欧阳少师令赋所蓄石屏》 (1071)。

文十篇,依次是:1)《书吴道子画后》;2)《记游庐山》;3)《文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记》;4)《宝绘堂记》;5)《超然台记》;6)《游白水书付迈》(当为《书付过》,小儿子,不是长子); 7)《记承天寺夜游》; 8)《记游松江》; 9)《后赤壁赋》;10)《放鹤亭记》。



宇文所安教授的选本在收录苏轼作品上更进了一步,不仅在“宋词”、“宋古文”等名目下收录苏轼词五首、诗六首、 文三篇,还专门将苏轼单列,另收入诗十首、词二首、文七篇。总共达到了三十三件作品。在唐代诗人中,只有杜甫受到此种 “单列”的“礼遇”。宇文氏对苏轼诗词文并重,并且囊括了几乎所有的重要作品。















      除了宇文教授的选集是他一个人独译,白氏和梅氏的选集分别是他们那个时代的汉学家集体翻译的结晶。在对各选本中苏轼作品英译进行总体评价之外,我这里将着重比较一下各本均选录的作品 (主要是词、赋),以期窥视其英译的特点和得失。


      白氏选集中的三首苏轼词的译者初大告(1898-1987),字达杲,山东省莱阳人。在留学英国期间,他先后翻译了《中华词选》(Chinese Lyrics)、《老子道德经新译》(A New Translation of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching ) 和 《中国故事选译》(Stories from China),于1937年连续出版,一时名震英国学界,成为当时为数不多的中文典籍英译名家。2014年剑桥大学出版社 將 他的 《中华词选》 简装再版。

总体而言,初大告的翻译简捷、明快、而允当。 他的 [江城子](十年生死两茫茫)译文就是一例:

      For ten years the living and the dead have been far severed;

      Though not thinking of you,

      Naturally I cannot forget.

      Your lonely grave is a thousand miles away,

      Nowhere to tell my grief.

      Even if we could meet, you would not recognize me;

      My face is all covered with dust,

      The hair at my temples shows frosty.


      Last night in a dream I returned home

      And at the chamber window

Saw you at your toilet;

      We looked at each other in silence and melted into tears.

      I cherish in my memory year by year the place of heartbreaking,

      In the moonlight

      The knoll of short pines. [vi] 

多年后梅维恒选本中海陶玮(James R. Hightower; 1915-2006) 的翻译也只是增加了初大告所忽略的“忽还乡”中的“忽”,“幽梦”中的“幽”,其他地方没有什么超越。只是初大告把 “料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈”中的“料得”译作“在记忆中珍视”(cherish in my memory) 有误。据《本事诗》:唐开元年间,有一位姓张的幽州衙将,妻死后留下五子,受后妻虐待,亡妻忽从冢中出,题诗訴說悲傷:“死生今有隔,相见永无因。……欲知断肠处,明月照松冈。” 苏轼在此化用其意,直言自己料想得到在年复一年的漫长岁月里,在明月照耀下的松冈孤坟,妻子的亡灵是如何孤寂忧伤、肝肠寸断。梅氏选本的翻译也没理解这一点,而是把它译为“我料想它会持续令我断肠”(Year after year I expect it will go on breaking my heart)。[vii]







            When did the moon began to shine?

            Lifting my cup I ask of Heaven.

            I wonder in the heavenly palace and castles

            What season it is tonight.

            I wish to go up there on the wind

            But am afraid the crystal domes and jade halls

            Would be too cold on high.

            So I dance with my limpid shadow

As if I were no longer on earth. [viii]



            How many times has the moon shone full?

            Lifting my cup I ask the blue sky.

            In the palaces and towers of Heaven

            What season is it tonight, I wonder.

            I should like to ride there on the wind,

            But I fear I could not stand the cold

            Of those crystal domes and jade on high.

            I rise and dance and make my shadow move:

            How much nicer it is hear! [ix]


宇文氏本    How long has the moon been up there?—

            I ask blue Heaven, wine in hand.

            And I wonder

            in those palaces of sky

            What year this evening is?

            I would ride the wind up there,

            but fear

            those marble domes and onyx galleries

            are up so high I couldn’t bear the cold.

            I rise and dance, clear shadow capering—

            what can compare

            to this world of mortal men. [x]

初氏问明月什么时候开始照耀,海氏问月圆了多少次,宇文问圆月在那里多久了。刘若愚、孙康宜也是类似的译法。这大概与屈原的《天问》及 李白的《把酒问月》诗中 “青天有月来几时?我今停杯一问之” 紧相关联。可是好像应该有不同译法:“这样的明月夜能有几次呢?”林语堂就译作 “How rare the moon, so round and clear!” 而似乎后者更能体现中国人赏月的心理及文化背景:寿无金石固,行乐须及时。赏月的时候何必一定要穷究圆月的缘起呢?再看下阕:





白氏本(初大告)Around rich bowers,

Into sweet boudoirs,

Shining upon the inmates still awake

The moon should have no regrets.

Why is she always at the full when men are separated?

Men have their woe and joy, parting and meeting;

The moon has her dimness and brightness, waxing and waning.

Never from of old has been lasting perfection.

I only wish that you and I may be ever well and hale.

That both of us may watch the fair moon even a thousand miles



梅氏本(海陶玮)Over vermilion chambers,

            Through curtained windows

            Shining on the sleepless—

            The moon should not be blamed.

            But why always full when friends are separated?

            Men are happy or sad, apart or together,

            The moon is obscured or clear, waxing or waning:

            In this world perfection seldom comes.

            I only hope that we can live long

            And both enjoy the moon’s beauty, though a thousand

miles apart.[xii]


宇文氏本    Curving past crimson towers,

            then lower past grillwork doors,

            it shines upon the sleepless.

            It should not trouble me,

            but why, when people part,

             is it always full and whole?

            For mortals there is grief and joy,

            Coming together and going apart;

            the moon has bright and shadowed phases,

            Wholeness and then something gone—

            Things never stay at perfection.

            So I wish that we continue long

            to share across a thousand miles

                  Its lovely graces.[xiii]


初大告对两个“人”字分别作了不同的翻译,  符合原意。海氏和宇文也这样做了。可是初氏将“转朱阁、低绮户”译作 “Around rich bowers, into sweet boudoirs,” 有点随便。象形之下,海氏和宇文的译文就精确多了。

      海陶玮是梅维恒本苏轼词的译者之一、哈佛大学东亚系教授,著有 《中国文学专题》 (Topics in Chinese Literature: Outlines and Bibliographies, 1950, 1953, 1966),《陶潜诗选》 (The Poetry of T'ao Ch'ien, 1970), 及与叶嘉莹合作著译的 《中国诗词研究》 (Studies in Chinese Poetry, 1998)。 也许是在前人译文的基础上进行重译的缘故,海陶玮的英译,象[江城子](十年生死两茫茫)及[水调歌头](明月几时有),比白氏选本中的英译都更加准确精美。



白氏本      The waves of the mighty river flowing eastward

                 Have swept away the brilliant figures of a thousand years.

                 West of the old fortress,

                 So people say, is Lord Chou’s Red Cliff of the time of the Three


                  The tumbling rocks thrust into the air;

                  The roaring surges dash upon the shore,

                  Rolling into a thousand drifts of snow.

                  The River and the mountains make a vivid picture—

                  What a host of heroes once were!


                  And I recall the young Lord then,

                  Newly married to the fair Younger Ch’iao,

                  His valorous features shown forth;

                  With a feather fan and a silken cap

                  Amid talking and laughing he put his enemy’s ships to ashes

and smoke.

                  While my thoughts wander in the country of old,

                  Romantic persons might smile at my early grey hair.

                  Ah! Life is but like a dream;

                  With a cup of wine, let me yet pour a libation to the moon on

the River.[xiv]


宇文氏本    Eastward goes the great river,

                  its waves have swept away

                  a thousand years of gallant men.

                  And they say,

                  that west of the ancient castle here

                  is that Red Cliff

                  of Zhou Yu and the Three Kingdoms.

                  A rocky tangle pierces sky,

                  leaping waves smash the shore,

                  surging snow in a thousand drifts.

                  Like a painting, these rivers and hills

                  Where once so many bold men were.


                  I envision Zhou Yu back then,

                  just wedded to the younger Qiao,

                  his manly manner striking.

                  With black turban and feather fan

                  Laughing in conversation

                  as embers flew from mast and prow

                  and the smoke was sinking away.

                  The spirit roams that long-ago land—

                  you will laugh at this sentimental me,

                  hair streaked and white before my time.

                  Yet this human world is like a dream

                  And I pour out my winecup as offering

                  Into the river’s moonbeams.[xv]


 初大告的早期译文可以说相当精彩。他紧跟原词的句法,几乎是逐字逐句对译,然而无不妥贴。其选词也很恰当。例如,他把“小乔”译作 “fair younger Ch’iao,” 比译作 “Xiao Qiao” 要好多了。宇文氏也采用了他的译法。可是初大告把“多情应笑我,早生华发”译为 “Romantic persons might smile at my early grey hair,”其中有两个问题:一是把“多情”的人理解为第三者,而不是词人自己,与当前学术界的理解有差异;第二是把“多情应笑我”中的笑译为 “smile at”(微笑),而不是 “laugh at”(嘲笑),似乎也有问题。宇文氏的英译得益于初氏不少,但更加细腻,同时也纠正了初氏的上述错误。


白芝选本中前、后《赤壁赋》的译者是葛瑞汉 (A. C. Graham; 1919–1991), 伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院中国古典文学教授,有关于中国古典哲学、诗词著译多种,包括《庄子》、《列子》等。他的《赤壁赋》英译虽然不完全是逐字直译,却相当出色。

      梅氏选本中《前赤壁赋》译者是韩禄伯(Richard E. Strassberg), 加州大学洛杉矶分校东亚语言文化系教授。他的英译似乎更胜一筹。下面是《前赤壁赋》第一段的两种译文:


In the autumn of the year jen-hsu (1082), on the sixteenth day of the seventh month, I took some guests on an excursion by boat under the Red Cliff. A cool wind blew gently, without starting a ripple. I raised my cup to pledge the guests; and we chanted the Full Moon ode, and sang out the verse about the modest lady. After a while the moon came up above the hills to the east, and wandered between the Dipper and the Herdboy Star; a dewy whiteness spanned the river, merging the light on the water into the sky. We let the tiny reed drift on its course, over ten thousand acres of dissolving surface which streamed to the horizon, as though we were leaning on the void with the winds for chariot, on a journey none knew where, hovering above as though we had left the world of men behind us and risen as immortals on newly sprouted wings.[xvi]


In the fall of the year jen-hsu in the seventh month on the day after the full moon, I traveled in a boat with some guests to the foot of Red Cliff. A light wind wafted by, and not a ripple was stirred. I poured wine for my guests as we chanted the poem about the bright moon and sang the song about the graceful maiden. Before long, the moon appeared over East Mountain and lingered by the constellations Dipper and Ox. White dew extended over the Long River, the water's gleam mingled with the sky. We let our need of a boat follow its course as it traveled myriad acres of expanse. I felt boundless, as if gliding through the void, not knowing where I might land; I felt as if I were soaring about, having left the world behind to stand alone as I sprouted wings to become a transcendent.[xvii]

虽然译法偶有不同,例如葛氏将“既望”译为“十六日”,而韩氏则译作“满月后一日”。但两段译文总体上同样精彩,难分伯仲。在后面的译文中,则是韩本更为细腻,逐字逐句翻译。但也各自偶有失误。例如,葛氏将“泣孤舟之嫠妇”译为 “a widow wept in our lonely boat,” 没有韩本的 “caused a widow to weep in her lonely boat” 恰切。而韩氏将“横槊赋诗”译为 “he lay down his lance crosswise and composed this poem,” 不如葛氏的 “composing his poem with lance slung crossways.”

      梅维恒选本未选《后赤壁赋》,这里只能简略地比较一下葛氏译文与宇文氏的译文。一如《前赤壁赋》,葛氏译文同样妥贴精当。宇文教授的选集是他一个人独译。总体特点是准确、流畅。《后赤壁赋》也显示了这一特点。他将“黄泥之坂”译为 “Brown Mud Slop,” 似乎比葛氏的“the slop of Huang-ni” 更好一点。但他也有失误。例如他把“归而谋诸妇”中的“妇”译为“我们的妻子”(“our wives”),显然有误,因为前面说了,二位同行者是“客”,哪来的妻子呢?[xviii]


        梅维恒选本所选七首苏轼诗,译者均为华兹生 (Burton Watson; 1925-),哥伦比亚大学博士, 京都大学、哥伦比亚大学及斯坦福大学教授。华兹生1979年荣获哥伦比亚大学翻译中心金牌奖章,譯著有 Cold Mountain: 100 Poems by the T'ang poet Han-Shan(《寒山诗100首》)(1962)、Su Tung-po : Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet(《宋代诗人苏东坡选集》)(1965)、 The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry(《哥伦比亚中国诗选》)(1984)、Po Chu-i : Selected Poems(《白居易诗选》)(2000)、Selected Poems of Du Fu(《杜甫诗选》)(2003)、Xunzi: Basic Writings (《荀子》)( 1963)、Mo Tzu: Basic Writings (《墨子》)( 1963)、 Zhuangzi (《庄子》)(1964); The Vimalakirti Sutra (《维摩经》) ( 1993)、The Lotus Sutra (《法华经》)(1997);Records of the Grand Historian(《史记》)(1961)、Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China: Selections from the History of the Former Han by Pan Ku(《汉书》)(1974)、The Tso Chuan: Selections from China's Oldest Narrative History(《左传》)(1989)等。这里仅将他译的《书晁补之所藏与可画竹》 其一与宇文本翻译作一个比较。 至于两选本中的《东坡》,则并非一首诗,因而无须比较。

      苏轼《书晁补之所藏与可画竹三首》 其一:


      华兹生      When Yu-k’o painted bamboo,

                  he saw bamboo only, never people.

                  Did I say he saw no people?

                  So rapt he forgot even himself—

                  He himself became bamboo,

                  Putting out fresh growth endlessly.

                  Chuang Tzu no longer with us,

                  Who can fathom this uncanny power? [xix]

      宇文所安    At the moment Wen Tong was painting bamboo,

                  he saw the bamboo and no person—

                  Not just that he saw no person,

                  he was emptied, let go of the self;

                  His person was transformed with bamboo

                  in an endless production of freshness.

                  There is no Zhuang Zhou alive in this world—

                  who now grasp such fusion of spirit? [xx] 

      两种译本都出色而传神,而宇文氏字面上似乎更接近原诗。如“岂独” (Not just), “其身与竹化” (His person was transformed with bamboo),“谁知此凝神” (who now grasp such fusion of spirit?) 都是如此。相较之下,华氏的翻译只能被看作“意译”。


如前所述,宇文教授的选集是他一个人独译,总体特点是准确、流畅。读他的苏轼文英译,更增强了这种感觉。当然他也偶然有误译的时候。例如《书吴道子画后》 首句,他把“知者创物,能者述焉”译为 “Those with knowledge first fashion a thing; those with ability carry it through.”[xxi] 但是“知”通“智”,把“知者”译为“智者”(“Those with wisdom first fashion a thing) 应当更好。



[i] 白芝(Cyril Birth)主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,纽约叢林出版社(Grove Press) 1965年版,第355-357页。

[ii] 梅维恒(Victor Mair)主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,哥伦比亚大学出版社1994年版,第438页。

[iii] 同上,第439页。

[iv] 宇文所安(Steven Owen)主编并翻译:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》, 纽约诺顿(Norton)出版社1996年版,第663页。

[v] 同上。

[vi] 白芝主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第355页。

[vii] 梅维恒主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,第324页。

[viii] 白芝主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第355页。

[ix] 梅维恒(Victor Mair)主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,323

[x] 宇文所安(Steven Owen)主编并翻译:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》, 第577页。

[xi] 白芝主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第356页。

[xii] 梅维恒主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,第323页。

[xiii] 宇文所安:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》,  第578页。

[xiv] 白芝主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第356-57页。

[xv] 宇文所安:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》,  第579-80页。

[xvi] 白芝主编:《中国文学选集:从远古至14世纪》,第381页。

[xvii] 梅维恒主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,第438-89页。

[xviii] 宇文所安:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》, 第675-76页。

[xix] 梅维恒主编:《哥伦比亚传统中国文学选集》,第249-50页。

[xx] 宇文所安:《中国文学选集:从起始到1911》, 第642页。

[xxi] 同上,第618页。
