超实用英语地道表达 即学即用
文章来源: xiaoruo2022-09-30 15:41:43


  1. upon review of  - 

A visa will be issued upon review of the athlete's passport.


  1. In light of - 

In light of recent developments, we're postponing our meeting.


  1. With that being said - 

I am pretty tied up today. With that being said, I’ll still take some time to review your report.


  1. On top of that

My new job pays well.  On top of that, I have 5 weeks’ vacation a year.

我的新工作待遇不错。最重要的是,我每年有 5 周的假期。

  1. shed some light on

Could you shed some light on what happened with this project?  
