2021牛到爆的春晚让全美国一起过中国年|中国新年庆典嘉年华 |美国各地市长,州长,国会议员以及美国部长踊跃参与为世界华人送上祝
文章来源: streamcity2021-02-13 18:12:48


播出时间:2/14 美东时间下午7点 | 美西时间下午4点

Uplive YouTube 官方频道收看请点击这里



节目主持人JOJO 邹庆红小姐、美国劳工部部长 Marty Walsh 先生、加州硅谷 Mountain View市市长 Ellen Kamei 女士、加州洛杉矶Monterey Park市市长Yvonne Yiu 女士、加州硅谷阿拉米达郡郡长 David Haubert 先生等致词, 祝福所有华人新年快乐!


本次活动由中美友好城市协会主办。美国星宇文化集团制作,波士顿国际传媒咨询,洛杉矶时尚传媒,密西根D亚洲传媒,纽约GYZ娱乐集团,孟菲斯W&E健康研究所,JOJO GARDEN 世界同桌联合协办

A brand new year calls for a celebration! On February 14th at 7PM EST/4PM PST, celebrate and watch the Chinese New Year Gala 2021 on Uplive. Don’t miss this spectacular event with performances from artists and celebrities around the world! Including appearances from 50+ mayors, governors, congressman, and business leaders. Invite your friends and family for an amazing virtual extravaganza! Watch this event for free on the Uplive app by following the account upliveus or watch and subscribe on the Uplive USA YouTube channel. This event was organized by Sino-American Friendship City Association, sponsored by Huawei USA and Uplive, and produced by Star Alliance Culture Inc.

Follow UpLive USA on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter

Uplive是海外最大的独立泛娱乐视频社交平台,隶属于亚洲创新集团(AIG)。Uplive于2016年7月上线,先后在香港,台湾,胡志明市,雅加达,开罗、北京、洛杉矶、墨尔本 、伦敦等城市设立分支机构共同运营,拥有强大和成熟的研发团队及发行团队,此前获得TWITTER评选出的“最具海外影响力品牌奖”,以及36氪评选出的2018年度新经济之王年度榜 “出海之王”殊荣,成为国内投身出海泛娱乐领域的新经济领先代表。截至目前,Uplive已拥有全球过亿用户,每月开播人数超过百万,用户所覆盖超过200个国家。

Asia Innovations Group Ltd (AIG) leads the evolution of the online interactive entertainment space in emerging markets, with a focus on live social, providing an engaging platform for real-time, interactive, instant social experiences between users. AIG operates a portfolio of category-leading live social products including video centric live social (Uplive), dating centric live social (Lamour, FancyU and Wink), and fan centric live social (SuperFans) categories. Together, AIG's product portfolio serves 270 million users across more than 200 countries and regions globally. Founded in 2013, AIG is a global company focused on emerging market regions including Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Pan-India, and South America. AIG has offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Hong Kong and Taipei, etc. AIG is led by online and social media pioneers who have built some of the world's most recognized consumer technology products while holding senior roles at Tencent, Google, and Microsoft, and Zynga.