Post Up! (Catching up with you all.)
文章来源: Olivi2Qte2020-07-31 20:51:58

Bonjour Mon ( Hello my) stars! I'm really sorry for not posting, ecole (school) and other stuff really picked up. But I'm here now, writing in quarantine!  So I'll get u updated! I'm now filming a lot of videos with Mon Amie (my friend), and we are having a lot of fun! Well, I'm going to show you All the things I have sewn since I last talked to you guys! these are part of the line called Foodie Fun, and the Chaussettes (socks) are part of a line called Beautiful Baby Blues, and the Wizard Bear is a new line of Softies that I'm just starting. The Wizard Bear is apart of the very nouveau (new) line called Amazing Animal Acts!!! These Softies will include animals having human abilities, and them being made with super soft fluff. I plan to make many more! I have a lot of news, but that is all for another post! Au revoir, (Goodbye) Mon etoile! (My star!)