我的十四天意大利深度游(5) (行程,上千张精 美照片, 必看的景点介绍攻略)
文章来源: liren2019-01-27 18:52:45

我的十四天意大利深度游(5) (行程,上千张精 美照片, 必看的景点介绍攻略) - My Italy Travel 005-Florence-Medici Chapels-Brancacci-Chapel-Duomo-Duomo Museum-Church of Santa Maria Novella


Day 6 (5/24/10 Mon) Florence
Sleep in Florence(2)

> Medici Chapels (Michelangelo Sculptures),
Medici-Riccardi Palace (Lorenzo home,
Chapel of Magi).

> Brancacci Chapel (Masaccio Frescoes Who
Invented Perspective).

> Duomo (Santa Maria del Fiore) 1st Dome
Gothic cathedral.

> Duomo Museum (Intriguing Statues by
Donatello And Michelangelo).

> Church of Santa Maria Novella (Masaccio