文章来源: 康赛欧2024-03-15 09:30:32

尽管遭到Trump反对,周三TikTok剥离法案在众议院以压倒多数通过,但它在参议院的命运并不确定,因为参议院多数党领袖Chuck Schumer仍为对该法案作出任何承诺。包括参议院二号民主党人、司法委员会主席Dick Durbin在内的多位参议员表达了对TikTok禁令是否合乎宪法的担忧。杜宾还表示:“将一大批年轻选民排除在外并不是连任的最佳策略。”




The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the TikTok divestment bill on Wednesday despite opposition from Trump. However, whether the bill will pass in the Senate is uncertain because Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has not committed. Several senators, including the Senate's No. 2 Democrat and Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, have raised concerns about the constitutionality of the TikTok ban. Durbin also said: “excluding a large group of young voters is not a wise strategy for re-election.”


The TikTok divestment bill overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday despite Trump's opposition, but its fate in the Senate is uncertain as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer remains uncommitted to the bill. Several senators, including the Senate's No. 2 Democrat and Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, have expressed concerns about the constitutionality of the TikTok ban. Durbin also said: "Cutting off a large group of young voters is not the best known strategy for re-election."