文章来源: 渔.鹭2017-09-01 23:34:53







        女儿下楼,看到我手里攥了几张纸,立刻紧张起来:“妈妈,你没事吧?”我答道:“文章写得不错,不过段落表达的不是很清楚。让别人很难懂你讲啥。比如你这篇文章应该分为这样几部分:妈妈移民前后的生活,妈妈有你后的生活,妈妈的观念与你发生冲突时的故事,你自己对妈妈的要求与想法。”女儿点点头:“大部分的地方,我还是在夸你的。”我答:“不错,还能写上二千字,有进步。今天是大清扫日,你是女孩,要学会把自己收拾清爽。你如果不把你的房间收拾整洁,妈妈就进去收拾了。这是我的房子,你把房间收拾好,是对我的尊重与礼貌。我不进去收拾,也是对你的尊重与礼貌,因为你的东西你知道放哪,我挪了,你就找不到了。”女儿皱起眉头,道 :“今天不是我的清洁日,我答应过你,我一个星期只收拾一次我的房间就可以了。你也同意了,今天我房间是怎样就怎样。”我无语,想呵,也是。
        翌日,我教她学中文。我说:“暑假,几日未学中文呢?”她答:“我的中文在班上为A。”我答:“你说过你的中文没我好,所以你可以不经我的允许就看我的手机,为什么我不能随时看你的手机呢?”她答:“我的中文水平没你高,十个字略懂一半,还有一半猜猜看,八九都是错的。但你的英文水平高过我的中文水平,略低于我的英文水平,所以我手机上的东西你都看的懂,你手机上的东西我不懂。”这个逻辑水平与 狡辩水平,我这当妈的都得给赞,我又道 :“不行,我们得平等,你看我的,我就能看你的,你的中文水平不高,你应该学会如何提高它。你的手机我必须监督。”她答道:“好吧!”从此以后,她将手机上所有的邮件及个人信息等设置的密码为“指纹解密”(她的指纹,我仅可开机)。












Song of Tomorrow


  Tomorrow comes and again tomorrow.

           Tomorrow are like rivers that endlessly flow.

     If all my things are put off till tomorrow,

              My time wasted to no purpose will brow woe.

             All mortals are tired of the sake of tomorrow,

                                   The passage of time will make them old before they know.
                    In the morning they see water eastward running,

                     At dusk they see the sun in the west low hanging.

                                How many tomorrows are in your lifetime, do you know?

                   Please listen to me  sing the Song of Tomorrow.

         我又问她:“懂了没?”女儿看逃不脱了,点点头:“懂了。”妈妈再告诉你些英文名句3有同样的意思 :“Yesterday is already gone, tomorrow can not see, but only today is here, one today is worth two tomorrows. 意思是今天的事今天做,不要拖到明天,一天拖一天,你什么事都完成不了。三百字文,1h以后给我。”女儿答道:“我交文章,下星期二你得带我去看《Annabelle》,我网上写的文章得找点感觉。”我答道:“跟你爸一样,爱看鬼片,好吧!加五十字。”女儿又问道:“妈妈,你为什么不看我网上的文章,只检查你给我出的题?”答:“你不是嫌我哆嗦吗?网上你的文章是写给你的同龄人看的,需要的是想象能力,我训练你的是写作能力。各有各的要求,我要是看了,估计三天三夜,你妈都可以说得停不下来,而且难听的肯定大于好听的。你想吗?"



Everybody has his/ her bad habits, such as lazy and selfish, but those imperfections are
what make us human beings. What is thereal problem going through our life? It is an imbalance that includes laziness in our life. In my opinion, getting the balance is the most important thing in our lives. We cannot have all play and no work or all work and no play. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

When it is all play and no work, our life is basically a mess because we have no goals and
no time limit. We have no plan for anything because there is not a balance between our goals and desires.  Our desires may be stressful eating or watching too much T.V. Laziness is probably the one that most affects our life; it is the result of being unwilling to work or­ use energy. Laziness affects us in a different way, but we only get one result, which is the inability to accomplish any goal in our life. Did you fulfill any of your New Year’s resolutions or finish any of your projects on time?
 Laziness is one voice in our head that tells us to do it later. “Later” turns out to be few hours. Instead, it is a day, a week, a month, and even a year. It seems that everything would be forgotten until the day of the deadline or until you completely give up it. It seems that the time we should be spending on necessary tasks is wasted on unnecessary things like social media, video games or reading some popular novels. I mean that how does it help us if we have a few hundred subscribers from You-tube?  How does knowing the spells in Harry Potter do anything useful for us? In life, not everything can be done with just a flick of a wand. Nothing is easy in life. How is it truly important to be a top player in Call of Duty?  

We spend hours by hours to play any videogame, but none of them has actually helped us in any way. While I am playing the piano, I think an hour had already finished, but in reality only a few minutes had pasted. When we played the videogames for hours we feel that it
just likes a few minutes. While we are writing essays, “Writer’s block” is always in our minds as an excuse, but there is no such thing as “writer’s block”. In truth, it is just the inability of not focusing on our necessary tasks. All play and no work is how we fail our goals in life.
On the other hand, all work and no play will make life busy and boring, and we are unable to enjoy any pleasures from our life. We will lose our self-respect and self-esteem in such a busy life. No human being can survive for a very long time if they live everyday like a robot that cannot stop working. We simply cannot live with all the stress in our life without a rest. Everything can be fixed with a schedule or a plan to accommodate our desires. Having a break time for 25 minutes will keep us sane. A break time can make us close our eyes and drink some water. Having a break time for one or two hours to help us read or do anything that we desire will satisfy our desires Having a little bit of junk food in our diet plan will allow our bodies to intake more healthy foods since it is not a 100% strict diet plan with just healthy foods. The organization and management of time can help us to improve and get a good balance in our life.

In summary,I believed that life needs to be constantly in balance. All play and no work or all work and no play are just like a sword’s two sides, the sharp edges will hurt the balance of our life. Putting the unnecessary thing behind the necessary thing will make our life more efficient. It will make our goals more clear and make an achievement that brings more pleasure in our life. Making the balance is the most important thing in our life.