文章来源: 薄浣我心2017-02-17 07:21:48

Trudeau hails CETA as 'blueprint' for future trade deals
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marked the European Parliament's passing of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) early today, hailing it as a potential model for future trade deals while addressing the concerns of those who opposed it.
"We can't understate how important it was to get this deal right," Trudeau told members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France — the first time a sitting Canadian prime minister has addressed the legislature. 
"Now we need to make it work … If we are successful, CETA will become the blueprint for all ambitious, future trade deals. If we are not, this could very well be one of the last," he said. 
"Make no mistake about it, this is an important moment."

     前联邦国防部长,也曾任前移民部长康尼(Jason Kenny),现今为加拿大保守党党魁。康尼曾在2013年发表演说,反对CETA,声言:此协议一但签署,许多加国劳工将会失去工作。
 2017年 2月15日,国会的对CETA的投票状如下:
