文章来源: 博物2018-02-19 18:45:45






在经历了两波抗议活动没有收到效果后,二月十八日,中国新年大年初三,近百华人民众到加拿大首都渥太华国会前继续抗议。此次有两个加拿大著名的极端右翼及反移民组织Storm Alliance和La Meute前去声援此次抗争。而加拿大主流媒体如加拿大国家广播(CBC) 和渥太华公民报(Ottawa Citizens)都对此事进行了报道,并且把“加拿大华人”和极端右翼组织放在了一个标题框及新闻内。











背景:近日一些华人就“头巾事件”组织起了几次抗议活动,并且在2月18日的系列活动与极右翼和反移民组织如Storm Alliance和La Meute等一起抗议。多家媒体报道了“加拿大华人”与极右翼团体一起要求总理道歉的新闻,本小组一直关注此事,并且希望发表以下声明:


1)本小组尊重所有人的言论自由和街头抗议的基本权利。但不支持这一系列抗议活动的立场,原因有二。 其一,未成年撒谎是错误的,但是家长已经道歉。事情应该就此结束。 其二,加拿大总理以及两大反对党党领(包括保守党和新民主党)最初的谴责推特是针对暴力行为本身而非亚裔。 整个抗议的立论基础过于牵强。









加拿大华裔多元文化关注小组 (Chinese Canadian Multicultural Concerns Group)  一群普通的加拿大华人。


联系电邮: ccmcgcontact@gmail.com 











Background: Recently, there were several rallies organized by some Chinese Canadians demanding Prime Minister Trudeau to apologize for the Hijab-Hoax incident happened in January 2018. On February 18th, another rally held by the same people took place in Ottawa was joined by Far-rights groups including Storm Alliance and La Meute. Some media outlets covered the story and put “Chinese Canadians” and “far rights” into the same “headlines”. Our group has been following the situation for over a month. As ordinary Chinese Canadians and as a group, we would like to make the following statements:


1. We respect every individual’s basic rights of freedom of speech and assembly. However, we disagree with the position the rally organizers have been taking for two reasons. First, it was wrong for the under-age girl to lie but the parents apologized later. The situation should’ve ended there. Secondly, the original tweets from Prime Minister Trudeau and leaders of the two major opposition parties (both the Conservative Party and the NDP) were denouncing the purported extreme act of hijab attack not the Asian population. In short, the theoretical foundation of demanding the Prime Minister to apologize is too far-fetched. 


2. The organizers and participants of the rallies can only represent their own positions. They have no representation of the Chinese and Asian communities in Canada. Our group also consists many first-generation Chinese immigrants. As Chinese Canadians, we don’t want to have any relationship with any extreme political groups including groups related to white supremacy, anti-immigration and religious terrorism. We also don’t pretend to represent all Chinese Canadians, but we believe many of the nearly 2 million ethnic Chinese citizens and permanent residents of Canada have similar views with us.


3. According to our knowledge, many of the rally participants are first-generation middle-age or senior Chinese immigrants. Due to both language and cultural barriers, they are unable to get relatively complete and objective Canadian news. They get information from some of the Chinese language media outlets with translation mistakes and twisted stories. Therefore it is possible that some of them were manipulated by others to participate the rallies without understanding the full situation. We hope the whole society pay more attention to the problem of the difficulties for new immigrants to integrate into our society and overcome cultural shocks. 


4. We hope to see more interactions between different cultural and ethnic communities in Canada. People always have ideological differences and even stereotypes. However, respect each other’s existence is one of the most fundamental Canadian values. We believe in "communication over friction." 



Chinese Canadian Multicultural Concerns Group - a group of ordinary Chinese Canadians 


Email: ccmcgcontact@gmail.com

Leave a voice message: 438-558-5036


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本文转载自“美国华人”公众号(ID: ChineseAmericans)。