文章来源: 不合群2020-10-19 13:12:26


  1. 1) 老谋深算的大嘴巴
  2. 2) 脾气暴躁的和平主义者
  3. 3) 被蠢人认为蠢但被智者佩服者
  4. 4) 最被扣racist帽子的最不racist的总统
  5. 5) 心存善良的斗士
  6. 6) 维护Law&Order的搅局者
  7. 7) 满身缺点的真正的基督徒



  1. 1. A billionare & president who is considered dumb by people who are neither;

  2. 2. The only president whose net worth dropped significantly yet being called greedy;

  3. 3. The president who had the most promises kept yet being called a liar.

  4. 4. The people who lied about Russian Collusion and instigated riots call him a hater.

  5. 5. And how many people who call him a hater when they hate him with their guts?

  6. 6. How funny when so many people have lost their mind and call him unstable?

  7. 7. Why do so many people call him a racist when no one did so before he ran for office and when his support among blacks and hispanics are soaring?

  8. 8. Why is he called a racist when defending the US against Chinese Communists by some US citizens of Chinese descent?

  9. 9. How can the only president in so many decades who did not start a war and instead brokered peace in the Middle East be called a warmonger?

  10. 10. He defended Christian values of this great nation courageously yet some "liberal Christians" tried every way to defeat him. Realy?

Go figure...