文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2024-01-01 21:45:48

Day 3: 圣诞夜


下午去纽约新建的Little island走了一走,这是一个倚靠Hudson River而建的精致公园。站在小路弯弯的台阶上,目眺旖旎的水面和另一侧的57号码头,我又想起Oncemm, 想起七年前自己一字不拉地跟读她的小说《网事如约》,陶醉其中。

那一刻,小说中对纽约的描写已经模糊了,但是脑海却清晰地响起一首歌《听闻远方有你》,“我吹过你吹过的风,这算不算相拥;我走过你走过的路,这算不算相逢”,想对网友Oncemm说,我们正相拥相逢在风中,我正在走着你走过的街,看着你看过的风景,这座城市因着你的存在而丰满。虽然,不是在五月芳菲时,虽然没有春花春红,然而冬日里的萋萋芳草,阴云下的哈德逊河一样会让我想起你,想起你我在云端的相遇相知! 再次感恩这样不离不弃的相守!


在我躬身给女儿拍照时,边上站着一个老外,可能他听到我们在讲中文,绕有兴致地上前与我们搭腔,用着他结结巴巴的中文跟我们交流。 他说他自己自1973年去中国,前后去了二十趟,还提到周恩来毛泽东,唐山大地震。。。

午饭简单吃了点pizza,下午经由纽约大型交通枢纽The Oculus, 造访World Trade Center。眼见浴火重生的新塔直插云霄,心中不免感慨万千。





Day 4: 圣诞日






这样一趟行程,短短四天不到却收获满满。我们看到了不一样的风景,我们遇见了和我们一样看风景的人。当我们踱步在法拉盛大街,听着满大街的中文吆喝声,吃着冰糖葫芦,喝着波霸奶茶时,我们似乎梦回故土;当我们徜徉在清冽的中央公园,Brooklyn公园、皇后公园,我们体会到了纽约冬日的风貌。当我们流连于各大博物馆、名胜古迹,灯火辉煌的大街,我们感受到了大都市的渊源文化和繁华;当我们站在纽约的地铁口、地铁里和中央公园的一角,看到艺人身背一把吉他演唱,我们感受到这座城市的活力。纽约之行让我们看到它的奢华-- 一座比万花筒还迷幻多彩的城市,也让我们看到它的破落和生活其中的艰辛-- 陈旧的地铁站和街边的流浪汉,和在圣诞日空荡荡地铁里遇见的要外出讨生活的老墨。。。



New York welcomed us with a sunny blue sky the first day (Dec 22) we landed. As if the sun were brought with us from California, it disappeared the next days we were there. But the heat stayed on:))  New York turned out to be much warmer than we thought.


Our four days’ trip there was fully packed. We walked on an average of more than 20,000 steps, getting in and out of the old subways over a dozen times. We strolled along busily thronged streets, looking up at skyscrapers that look like clusters of shining jungles made by steel and glass. We visited museums and parks in the daytime, and watched glistering light shows at night.  The famous Central Park impresses us with its sprawling open land. It must be a gem for Manhattaners, who work and live in high-rise buildings, dine in a tiny squeezed restaurant. This must be a place they could always retreat to breathe in fresh air and get away from the city’s hustle and bustle for a while.

To travelers like us, while the leafless trees under the sunny or gloomy skies are a true winter sight, the light show on Saks 5th Ave felt like a fantasy. It’s the best light show we‘ve ever seen, a lavish feast for eyes set to lively music.  A bird’s view from the tram overlooking the city gives us a glimpse of the city intersected by the Hudson River, while the night at Times Square thrilled us with its overwhelmingly flaring billboards and its clamorous crowds.  Jostling through them, we smelled the sweet food as well as the stirring wisps of marijuana.

On the train, we met a blue-collar worker sitting with a cart by his side, who in his broken English told us that he is from Mexico and has lived in New York for twenty years.  We came across a white guy at Little Island, who stopped to talk to us in Chinese, telling us that he has been to China more than twenty times. His first visit was made in 1973, and he knew of Premier Zhou and Chairman Mao.  At Manhattan, we invited a girl to dinner, listening to her stories at Columbia. On the day of our departure, we had lunch with old friends, who came from Northern CA to see their daughter in New York.  Our trip to New York is enriched by these encounters.

From the boisterous crowds who cheerfully wriggle to the music beat, to an Indian playing sad flute music at the Central, to the filthy homeless people who sleep on the cold subway ground, New York may have many untold stories.

New York is a metropolis that appeals to young people around the globe. People with dreams come here in an attempt to find their places. New York welcomes and accomodates them, rich or poor. It's a vibrant city that beams with a beconing light.

 New York is worth a visit!