十二月琐记 (A night walk at the community)
文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2023-12-15 22:33:24


两人最近球打的少,时间总是凑不到一起,早上常常有会议, 等到下午天色又渐渐暗淡了。所以每天晚饭后两人会在小区走一圈。


十二月是一年中最有节日气氛的一月。感恩节刚刚拉下帷幕,小区里的很多家门前就开始张灯结彩地挂上了圣诞灯。当最后的一缕晚霞退去,当夜色降临,小区的灯火就一盏盏亮起 -- 流泻变换的灯光与不变交织,银色、金色与红色、绿色的光源相辉映,处处流光溢彩,灯火辉煌。高高的棕榈树被装饰了,有棱有型的屋檐被挂彩了,圣诞老人、松树、飞鹿、雪橇、雪花状等装饰品,大小不一,却都以灯的形式一一闪烁在星空下,伴着隐隐约约的圣诞乐曲,组成了冬夜的一道道风景。它们像夜的精灵跳动在黑夜的大幕上,自由,欢快,肆意。







12/9日周六,有幸参加了舞队的会餐(potluck,我带的是梅干菜笋干扣肉)和饭后的表演。这次节目很多,大概有16个。我跟随队友们一起跳了四首舞曲,《小小爱河》,《洗衣歌》,《天边》,《杏花落》。为了这次年度的展演,老师一个多月前就拉着我们排练,像是要正式演出一样高标准严要求,又是统一(买)服装,又是排练队形,真是尽心尽力。老师在发言中说,“就是一种对舞蹈的热爱,对表演完美的一种执念” 让她能做到如此精益求精,乐在其中,一遍又一遍不厌其烦地指导训练我们。





Taking a stroll in the community after dinner is our recent new pastime. When the streets are alight with glistening Christmas lights here and there, that pastime becomes a joyful one. This year, our community seems to have put on more lights than last year, possibly for a contest that is going on communitywide. 

Every night, when we step out the door, we are embraced with the chilly air but warm lights. In front of many homes, small lights strung evenly on wires are spread out to be hung over trees, rooftops or porches, lining along the edges, among the bushes, between trees or upon the flower beds. They could cascade down around neatly manicured palm trees like spiraling silvers, crisscrossed by the same breadth of shining scarlets. They could be a light tunnel arched and canopied by myriads of multi-colored lights. Lights could shine inside a man-sized snowman, or sprinkle onto the walls from an oscillating projector in the shapes of snowflakes, snowmen or stars.  The colors of lights, big or small, dim or bright, are a confluence of red, silver, green, golden or blue. They are like the spirits in colorful dresses, dancing freely against the night skies.

Glamorous the light shows are, the community is quiet, disrupted only by the rhythmic hitting sounds of tennis balls in the distance.  Enveloped in the festive air of the season and walking by, we feel imbued with the colors and the delight.