没有月亮没有月饼的中秋 (w English)
文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2018-09-25 12:56:42
今早早早地去公司上班,因为惦记着工作上的事。清晨的马路,车辆已经开始繁忙,风凉飕飕的,天雾蒙蒙的。到了公司,放下包,顾不上倒水,一口气做了起来。一个多小时后,硬逼着自己停下手中的活,去厨房倒了杯水。忙碌的一天, 最后紧赶慢赶把自己手头的活做完了。下班出了公司已经六点多了。想来自己太认真了,又有谁会appreciate。其实就是一份工作罢了,保个饭碗而已。九月底了,白日的气温还是有七八十度,不过早晚凉下来很快,天也黑的早了。公司的parking lot已经空荡荡的,风吹来竟有一丝丝凉意。我钻进散发着太阳余温的车里,顿时觉得温暖。
是啊,这是过得什么中秋啊?昨晚等我上楼,见一轮满月已经高挂天空,转身问某人,要不要出去看看?某人回答,几十年不遇的血月(super moon)都见过拍过了,就不出去了吧。想想也对。后来拿起了电话打给女儿,聊起今年圣诞加上新年有很长的假,要不要全家一起出去玩?女儿说,她只想回家,去家附近的城市走走,说自己到圣诞都有一年半没回去了。我更正到,是一年四个月,话一出口,电话那头的女儿啧了一声,一定觉得妈妈怎么会如此不解她的相思之苦:))。故赶紧加了一句,你要是想回来,感恩节就可以回来的。想起女儿去年说的,要在那座新城市待满整整一年,度过那里的每一天,每一个节假日,体会它的四季, 它的春夏秋冬;想起去年感恩节去看她,问她,想不想加州的阳光和沙滩,她居然回答,这里热的时间太长了些。而今,整整一年过去了,她一定是想起家的好,生活了十多年的城市,这里的温暖如春,这里的永远阳光明媚。

A Moonless Mid-Autumn Festival
When I finally got off the work, it was past six. There were only a few cars left in the parking lot. I walked towards a tree, under which parked my car,  with fallen leaves scattering on the front cover.  The  parking spot under a tree is always my preference, since the shade of the tall tree will shield the Californian sunlight off the car body, making it an ideal place for a thirty- minute nap during the lunch hour. But a busy day like today, a nap would be a luxury.
Tired and a bit cold, I got in the car. After a day’s exposure to the 70+ F temperature, the car was just comfortably warm.  Getting out of the empty parking lot, I was on the local street. The sky was just as gloomy as it in the morning. It was only ten minutes’ drive, but long enough to recall the conversations I had with the daughter the other night. At first, I texted her to remind her of the Mid-autumn festival, of getting a glimpse of the fullest moon, if available. She texted me back if we ate any mooncake. The answer was no. Without her, I didn’t have the mood and necessity to buy them or make ones.  Then I remembered her coming back for Christmas and decided to make a phone call.  Over the phone, I suggested a vacation out of town somewhere for the Christmas and New Year. She told me that she would not like to go anywhere else except home, which she has been away for a year and a half, emphatically her longest duration ever. What was indicated in her tone is like “Can you believe, Mom, that I have been away for so long?” When I tried to correct her that it was actually a year and four months, she grunted a bit for my being unpathetic.  I understand your nostalgia, baby,  I said to myself.
The dinner was prepared within thirty minutes.  After dinner is our regular walk time. When LD and I stepped out, the moon was nowhere to be seen. Living in a sunshine place, we are so used to sunny days and moonlit nights. The absence of a full moon, on this particular day, triggered a sense of loss.
However, this sentiment was soon overcome by the enthusiastic greetings from friends on WXC. It becomes part of my life now to blog and "talk" with bloggers. Thanks to this virtual city, we, who don't know each other in life, are connected in the air, and meeting people afar around the globe is made not only possible but a reality and a joy.