三月的野雏菊 (w English)
文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2018-03-24 23:15:50


江南的春天早已来临。母亲在微信朋友圈里晒江南盛开的桃花,粉嫩的樱花和江边的翠柳。我的心蠢蠢欲动,期盼春天的来临, 望眼欲穿。

今年冬天,这里的雨水太少太少。 三月底的山一眼望去,还是枯的。路边的草已经长高了,绿了,可山峦还是被去年残留的枯草霸占着视野,只有底部冒出来的一点点淡淡的绿色给人希望和遐想。

或许还有一两个星期吧。我不奢望今年的春天有着去年的盛况, 但真是看腻了这几乎一年四季的癞痢头山 。我知道这里的春天从来都是转瞬即逝的,不指望她长驻,只希望她不要太姗姗来迟。

















It is late March. The winter rainfall shortage is finally compensated with the recent rains. Eager to see the spring, we set out again around 11 am to a nearby trail. The parking lot was not packed at all, with a few cars sparsely parked on the rock paved road. The sun was out, and after yesterday’s rain, the sky was like rain washed, blue with big white clouds hanging overhead, casting its shadows in the valleys. The spring breeze was a bit chilly but invigorating. We passed by a small lake, the only natural one in the county, and climbed upward. When we reached the top, we saw undulating mountains in front of us still covered in grey, with light strokes of greenish color touching at the base. It will take at least another week for the mountain to turn green. Tired of the yearlong barren arid mountain top, I cannot wait to see it being verdant again, like last spring. The spring is so late this year.

The trail was thus boring, without much to see, and to talk about. Our boredom was finally disrupted by the appearance of brilliant-colored flowers dotted on the rocky slopes. It is Gazania daisy. They have 10-15 petals, varying a little bit in colors and shapes. The rich vibrant colors are further complemented by the amazingly embroidery petal patterns. We were delightful and took pictures of them.  On the way back, we found one flower picked by someone and dropped off on the road side. I gingerly took it with me home. When I was about to gaze it again after dinner, I found the petals closed tightly to the natural light outside, even though we had the light on in the room. It still has life!


江南家乡的三月 (母亲拍的照片)