速描《金瓶梅》 第 83 回/100
文章来源: 宝尔2017-01-09 07:43:15

金瓶梅里的瓶儿被金莲气死, 丈夫西门庆被金莲等女人欲火烧死,金莲和春梅命运如何?

金莲把昔日西门庆的枕边风月传给情郎陈经济身上。 丫头秋菊接二连三告正妻月娘金与陈不光“丈母女婿通奸”, 且和丫头春梅三人嬉,但月娘都未抓到把柄, 反臭骂秋菊。

为减少外人闲话西门寡妇们,月娘叫陈经济在铺子宿,金莲与陈一个多月不见,春梅借外出取草填枕头,替金莲穿针引线见经济, 陈拿红娘先解馋, 春梅带情书回家给金莲联幽会。

Ping dies of angry from Jin, Ximen dies of lust, what are the destinations of Jin and Mei?

Jin passes all of Ximen’s love-making tricks to Chen, Ximen’s son-in-law. Maid Qiu, tells Ximen’s 1st wife of the scandals of “In-law play” and threesome with Maid Mei, however, the 1st wife criticizes Qiu for having no proof.

To avoid gossip, the 1st wife demands that Chen sleeps next in the Drug Store. Jin and Chen cannot see each other for a month, to help, Mei makes up an excuse to go out for pillow grass filler, she actually visits Chen during this trip. So thirsty, Chen “takes” Mei right away. Mei later brings Chen’s love letter to Jin, set up Jin-Chen dating.