文章来源: 宝尔2016-12-14 17:18:49

西门庆五妻金莲嫉妒六妻瓶儿得子得宠, 养只狮子猫, 红绢包肉训猫扑食物。一天猫见瓶儿的婴儿穿红兜在外间炕上玩耍, 只当佳肴, 猛扑过去, 胡撕乱扯, 小儿当场不省人事, 西门庆来家提起肥猫砸向石台, 头碎牙嘣, 可怜瓶儿的儿子抢救无效夭折, 只活了一岁零两个月。 瓶儿哭的死去活来。

Ximen’s 5th wife Jin is jealous of the 6th wife Ping and her son, Jin trains a cat to eat meat wrapped in a red cloth.  One day, the cat saw Ping’s baby in red playing in bed, the cat thought there was meat inside, jumped onto the baby, tearing and ripping him.  The baby lost conscious immediately.  Ximen got home, grabbed the cat and smashed it at a rock into pieces.  Ximen’s son from Ping died two days later, he was only 14 months old,  Ping cried almost to death.