速描《金瓶梅》第5 回 / 100
文章来源: 宝尔2016-10-21 07:26:24

一天郡哥见西门进茶房, 赶紧找回武大一起捉奸, 郡哥诱王婆追打, 武大破门而入。金莲怒骂西门纸老虎藏在床下,西门飞脚踢中武大胸口。武大卧床五日不起,一晚, 金莲下砒霜药死丈夫,无泪有声干嚎半夜。

When Junge watches Ximen entering Wang’s teahouse, he fetches Wu to catch the cheaters, by guiding Wang away, then Wu breaks in, Ximen quickly hides under bed, Jin yells at Ximen a paper tiger, Ximen therefore kicks Wu at chest. Wu is sick in bed for days. One evening, Jin poisons her husband,  she then cries with no tears louder and louder for the rest of night.