Very sad!
文章来源: Stream1232021-02-07 15:48:14

Very sad! 耶鲁大学环境学院的江先生住在西黑文。 根据在Facebook页面上的说法,一周前,他和未婚妻(是耶鲁另一个部门的研究生)订婚。

"Just over a year ago he came into church (Trinity Baptist Church on State St) and introduced himself, asking how he could help with coffee hour. Cheerful, energetic, and joyful all described Kevin"

"Pray law enforcement brings justice swiftly and surely to those who have no regard for human life. Pray today the Lord brings comfort to his mother, fiance, family and friends in the difficult and grief filled days ahead. Lord have mercy on New Haven and this world that has seemingly gone crazy"