文章来源: 硅谷牛仔姐儿2014-02-19 13:36:30
An Arranged Alignment

A ballet date for V Day was kicked off by an early dinner in a restaurant where we were served by waiters in tutus! For a second, I wondered if the ballerinas we were going to see at the same night had impersonated waitresses among the tables — what an alignment!

We had a few moments before the show, so we took our time to stroll under some blooming fragrant trees, standing there like huge umbrellas with a layer of snow on their tops. By mindfully reading MLK's words, we were able to find things way beyond just relaxation at his fountain memorial.



饭后时间还早,就信步到公园,在不知名的树下散散步,顺着袭人的香气望上去,只见树顶开满雪白的花 – 抑或说那树是一把把接满幽香雪花的大洋伞。寻着潺潺的水声,脚下的步子带我们到了民权领袖喷泉纪念碑。在波光里我们慢慢读着马丁路德金博士的至理名言....哦这句有中文的鼓励大爱的话,在情人节来讲,即:

