香港美食 - 饮茶点心/路边摊小吃
文章来源: waterfowl2024-01-26 14:20:49

香港美食 - 饮茶/小吃 - dimsum and street food 

Dimsum is ubiquitous in Hong Kong culinary landscape. A pot of puer/jasmine tea with bamboo steamers containing dizzying arrays of delicious treats is the collective memory and experience of those who enjoy the ritual of yum cha(饮茶). 

Another facet of Hong Kong's food culture is street food. We've all been attracted by, and marveled at, the bubbling cauldrons of braised innards, curry fish balls and giant steamers with all kinds of dimsum goodies; and then there's the aroma of deep fried stuffed peppers and the unforgettable pungence of stinky tofu wafting down the streets and alleys.