烧尽退路桥梁--试译OneRepublic的\'Burning Bridges\'
文章来源: zhazhaba2014-02-08 08:33:56

烧尽退路桥梁--试译OneRepublic的"Burning Bridges"


烧尽退路桥梁 "Burning Bridges"

你我彼此有意曾 You and I were meant to be
对此确认无疑问 Ain't no doubt about it
这类事情难藏隐 No way to hide that sort of thing
期待更佳我如今 Now I’m waiting for something better
岂有更好幻想能 Ain't nothing better worth imagining

我自奔跑不能停 I, I keep on running
正修桥梁你惧成 I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted
寻找我心 Look for my heart
你偷走曾 You stole it away
今对歧路我可乘 Now on every single road that I could take
听着,我要你烧桥梁尽 Listen, I want you to burn my bridges down
我说,我要你烧桥梁尽 I said, I want you to burn my bridges down
点燃我心 Set me on Fire
点燃我 You set me
点燃我 Set me on Fire
你能烧我桥梁尽 You can burn my bridges down

请送此歌入海深 Send this out to sea
送至天边你希存 Send it where you want it
你能记之字字清 You can take it note for note
词不达意岂得情 and not at all
你留空间难填撑 There’s no filling up your spaces with fictionary places
幻想面孔都不行 Imaginary faces they don’t work at all

我自奔跑不能停 I, I keep on running
正修桥梁你惧成 I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted
寻找我心 Look for my heart
你偷走曾 You stole it away
今对歧路我可乘 Now on every single road that I could take
听着,我要你烧桥梁尽 Listen, I want you to burn my bridges down
我说,我要你烧桥梁尽 I said, I want you to burn my bridges down
点燃我心 Set me on Fire
点燃我 You set me
点燃我 Set me on Fire
你能烧我桥梁尽 You can burn my bridges down

我要你烧桥梁尽 I want you to burn my bridges down, down
我要你烧桥梁尽 I want you to burn my bridges down, yeah
点燃我心 Set me on fire
点燃我 You set me
点燃我心 Set me on Fire
点燃我心 Set me on Fire
我要你烧桥梁尽 I want you to burn my bridges down
我说,我要你烧桥梁尽 I said, I want you to burn my bridges down
全都烧净 Down, Down
点燃我心 Set me on fire
点燃我心 Set me on fire