To My 20-year-old Self: Stop Eating White Rice and Buns
文章来源: 7grizzly2016-07-09 07:54:20

Put a lid on anything made from white rice and wheat
flour. You went through some lean years when you
were small and when anything white, rice or flour, a
delicacy. The memory has been indelible. But it's
time to stop letting your tastebuds tell you what to put
in your mouth. Use your brain. Don't let the big
dreams tell you that the mundane is unimportant.
Life is in everyday unsexy details. So pay attention.

If you think the abundance of refined wheat flour
and polished rice these days a boon, think again.
They are sweet to the taste and easy to store and
last forever on the shelf, all good qualities for
profits. These are grain products with the bran and
germ removed, thanks to industrialized agriculture.
They put instant sugar in your blood and no fiber in
your bowels, and leave you again craving for food
shortly after you eat. Speaking of their long
shelf-life, why do you think the worms leave the
sweet white flour alone? Because they are smart and
the stuff is nutritionally worthless.

The white stuff is literally a murderer of the most
insidious kind. And your family is suffering. In
fact, grandpa died eight years ago and mom is going
to pass away before New Year at the age of 53, both
from the diseases of affluence. In 10 years, your
uncle is going down the same path. 21 years from
now, when you visit a close friend by his death bed,
his wife will ask if he wants a bowl of noodles. The
friend dies of colon cancer three months afterward
at the age of 43. No one lives forever but dying of
ignorance is a different matter.

Your young body is able to take the blows but that
won't last long before the damage starts to show.
Even if you won't die from it right away, the quality
of your life sucks. What if you don't have to drag
through everyday enervated? What if I tell you that
you don't have to feel sleepy after every meal or
doze off in the middle of a lecture?  What about
your moments of depression and mood swings?
You don't have to have them. Just quit those damn buns!