【转载】美腿是怎么练成的?(Many pictures)
文章来源: 孤鹜齐飞2014-04-09 23:01:28
标题党,哈。。。喜欢这期的活动,再献一贴。我天生腿型一般,有点肌肉。三年坚持锻炼,条儿终于有点顺了。除了Pilates,常做以下动作. 孩子iPad拍的,将就看吧。

1. Stretch. It took me about 3-4 months to do this pose. Some asked whether I did gymnastics before. No. Hated workout before 40 years old. Now practice Pilates and Yoga once in a while. I am fortunate that I am flexible naturally.

2. Side stretch. Hold it for 30 seconds 3 times.

3. Feet with sand bags. 2.5 LB per foot to create resistance. Hold it 30 seconds 3 times. Very challenging and very good for ab too.

4. Up, front, back kick. 20 times each. The back kick is very good for butt, too.

5. Up reach. 30 seconds each 3 times.

6. Yesterday's workwear

Thanks for watching. Good weekend.
