The Trump Way on COVID-19
文章来源: 王利民2020-10-07 08:28:46

The Trump Way on COVID-19

Oct. 07, 2020

by Limin Wang

President Trump, after escaping from Walter Reed, told the American people to not let COVID-19 dominate your life. The mainstream media then reported it as a slap in the face, as they really probably felt the slap. Although there have been a lot of controversies in the Trump-COVID story, I think the Trump way on COVID-19 is reasonable.

Since Donald J. Trump is the U.S.A. President, so "out of an abundance of caution", he walked to the Marine One and arrived at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. For the same reason, Trump was given the reasonable privilege of diagnoses and/or treatments. Regardless of it being convalescent plasma or monoclonial antibodies to COV-2 or antiviral or steroids, Trump seems to have not been brought down by COVID-19 at any of these days since Oct. 02, 2020. Remember, Donald Jackass Trump is a 74-year-old man, and a lot of kings, queens, and knights have been recently tested positive on COV-2, so what? If Trump were not the President, he would probably have preferred to go to play golf rather than to see a doctor due to an abundance of caution.

While a patient can play a big role in their own health outcome, medicine itself exists as a science and technology and professional service for its own good reasons. Why the USA, presumably with the most advanced medical technologies and equipments, is reportedly showing so terribly bad to COVID-19? The severe, or fatal, problem is more about the American health "care" system on Americans' health.  Frankly, THE EVIL IS CANNIBALISTIC PREDATORS. I strongly urge President Trump, the other candidate former VP Biden, and all other leaders, and everybody to overhaul the American health care system. I would soon use my injuries case to expound the CORRUPT and FATAL American system.