My women friends made me stronger, wiser, healthier,
文章来源: TJKCB2018-12-30 14:49:15

My women friends made me stronger, wiser, healthier, 

I read a lot, sharing with my friends 

 think many straight men spend too much time on being hard, straight, macho macho, to live the straight macho way.   It takes alot of energy.  This also causes women to have to be a false imitation of themselves to impress the men. I enjoy what these loves are saying.  I bet if straight men could soften a bit, the women would teach them alot

think many straight men spend too much time on being hard, straight, macho macho, to live the straight macho way. It takes alot of energy. This also causes women to have to be a false imitation of themselves to impress the men. I enjoy what these loves are saying. I bet if straight men could soften a bit, the women would teach them alot.? Show less Read more 2 years ago



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Wow. A lot of hurt male ego comments. Who knew that three women talking could be so threatening??
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I can't believe Jane is nearly 80... she looks amazing?
If men were able to maintain friendships with each other as these 2 have described as women, the world would be a whole lot better place to live in.?
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This comment section has become its own unofficial study of how people can hear the same words and glean completely different meanings from it. My personal interpretation is that we, each and every one of us, are born with the capacity to share the same kind of relationships with each other as anyone else, regardless of gender, social class, etc. All that changes once outside forces begin to act on us, be those forces patriarchal, matriarchal, religious, economical, or fill in the blank. For us to deny that these outside forces exist is a bit ludicrous. If anything, all the comments I've read are proof that the force is strong with many commenters
 think many people are taking what was said out of context. It isn't news that societal pressures have shaped male and female friendships differently. Men are pressured to hide their vulnerabilities while women are expected to express them. Everyone who is calling Fonda sexist needs to take a step back and check themselves
That is so true, at the risk of using gender stereotypes I actually do think that women are more able to be vulnerable and disclose their deepest emotions and struggles, but only due to the irritating construction of 'masculinity' that society expects of men. I encourage every one of my male friends to do the same because it's so important that they speak about their feelings and struggles too, men need to feel they can speak about feelings too.?