文章来源: TJKCB2018-05-10 09:01:09
Example #1: (Ref. 1)

George H. Bush, said in GOP debate, Reagan just an actor, while Reagan commented, George Bush was born with silver spoon in his mouth, as evident as below.

((When asked when was the last time he met poor people. George H. Bush said: 他上学私家专车司机上衫衣纽扣不对齐, 一边高, 一边低 He went to school with his private car driver chauffer - his uniform shirt buttons were not aligned, with one side high, the other side low. Bush laughing hysterically, "the chauffer looks so funny, ha, ha, ha ..." All of us audience were wondering ...how much he knew about poor people ...

当被问到他最后一次遇到穷人的时候。 他说:他上私人专车司机上衣衣纽扣不对齐,一边高,一边低。他上了私家车司机学校 - 他的制服衬衫纽扣没有对齐,一边高,另一边低。))

So, Bush paid the price for his scolding remark, as the GOP establishment forced Reagan to pick him up as VP - Reagan later treated him as a dog, bullying and running him around global trips - check out all the books on their relationship. Nancy Reagan never invited Bushes couple into their house!

That's a real example for 睡龙床钻狗洞 - got through tough, bouncing up the No. 1

Yeah. Don't lose respect: as it's mutual !

Example #2 -  http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201805/17425.html

雪子(日本人)也台湾人. 林克敏报社长 (因言获罪)、蒋景星(师长; 女儿雯)、裴 (上海兵站站长)、


三兄弟 (苏台昌、英、杰、)与雯的信物:草结蚂蚱

#32, 蒋景星是一潭养不活鱼的清水, 帮助不了别人,也成就不了自己, 到最后不是到国外白华, 要不就是谋反起义  http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201805/17425.html


Live with your rivals, as they make you stronger. If someone throw you bullshit? use it as fertilizer to grow, to thrive, to energize yourself.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

** Ref. #1 -- cont'd


(2) " 光夫这个人,典型的西洋海龟,眼镜,严谨,刻板,纯厚,老实,温柔,政府正规部门,专业的金融知识,独当一面的职业技能,后来自己独立开了上海第一家私人银行,可是人脉圈子总交织于政府、政治,得支也受困。对朋友谏言献策,不避讳,不护短,开门见山,同时原则性强,按部就班,不允徇私舞弊,规则维护者,关系的平衡者。"

(3) 对世俗的愤恨

(4) 一生三气中来回度过。长自己志气,抗别人的霸气,成就老天爷给的运气。

(5) 自地球有人自来,男人就被责任,坚强,豪爽所覆盖着。桂芳姐说,大丈夫龙床能睡,狗洞能钻。这话可能也就戏里说说,真人真事我倒真没见过。戏里的刘恭正是睡龙床钻狗洞,一生浮浮沉沉,几经波折。

(6) “卿若践我三生约,我定酬卿一念痴。”

这是戏里韩如冰反复对刘恭正言说的一句台词。男主角写给女主角的诗句是“死生契阔,与子相悦;执子之手,与子偕老。” 这个句子真的很感人,字字凿凿,满满的承诺。

