文章来源: TJKCB2015-06-28 11:06:53
好高大尚的感觉 (2015-06-29 01:38:51)[编辑][删除]转载▼
标签: 365 健康 历史 情感 文化 分类: LifeStyle
已有 320 次阅读 2015-5-22 08:32 |个人分类:On education|系统分类:教学心得 推荐到群组

[Spoken English]"都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉!"[复制链接] some slang- got censor-cut



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"都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉!" A student wrote me this comment on my column post. Here is what I responded to his comment.

"Your comment reflects a common attitude toward English among many Chinese people - that's a myth, which I wanted to break. Tell me how many years you have learned English, and how many years you need to speak fluent Chinese? English is a language, just like Chinese, is for you to use.

Ask yourself, how much you use Chinese, how much you use English - If you use the same amount of English like Chinese, you won't feel 都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉! Does that make sense? "

I'd like to post some quote from Katie Couric, TV icon I like, as below:

"What’s another important ingredient to a productive life? Two words: hard work. That’s the secret sauce for success. So defy the stereotype that young people today are entitled and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. You have to earn it. And you have to be patient.

Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to truly master anything. Time spent leads to experience; experience leads to proficiency; and the more proficient you are the more valuable you’ll be."

Count your hours - from elementary school, or kindergarden, to your PhD - how many hours you spent on learning English? You're ok to say your English, well.

Don't you think so?

Ref: Original comment.


flash-lighting dream: Engineer humans live in oceans 2015-05-21flash-lighting dream: Let humans live in oceans again Reading the following three articles gonna me a flash-lighting dream - think and ask: Why do ...

删除 回复 [1]ITpaul 2015-5-21 18:09 都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉! 博主回复(2015-5-22 08:23):"都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉!" your comment reflects a common attitude toward English among many Chinese people - that's a myth, which I wanted to break. Tell me how many years you have learned English, and how many years you need to speak fluent Chinese? English is a language, just like Chinese, is for you to use. Ask yourself, how you use Chinese, how much you use English - If you use the same amount of English like Chinese, you won't feel 都是英文,好屌,好高大尚的感觉!Does that make sense?
Susanna Ng: "It depends on how you are going to use it. In mainland China, 屌 超屌 是骂人的粗话. In Taiwan you can use: superb, amazing, wonderful, impressive, overwhelming, formidable, breathtaking, majestic, wondrous and jaw-dropping." https://zh-tw.facebook.com/poor.english/posts/342975599069083

屌- 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 - Wikipedia: zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/屌
喺台灣,屌有另一個完全唔同嘅流行意思,通常解做「好勁」、「勁」。 ... 傳媒上出現咁用法,係喺台灣MTV channel一段宣傳:「MTV音樂台,好屌!」,呢句嘢由有「廣告 ...
屌(讀音:d?u 或 diu2 ,Sound-icon.png 聽),俗寫????(「門」字入面加個「小」字),即係性交,引伸成形容陰莖插入女陰時個動作,但含有貶意 [未記出處或冇根據]。喺廣東話多數係用嚟鬧人嘅粗口。有時有啲嘢唔順嗰陣,有人會講「屌!」,咁樣當係嘆氣,所以亦算係一個助語詞。http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/屌








屌字嘅普通話發音係 diao3 [2]。傳媒上出現咁用法,係喺台灣MTV channel一段宣傳:「MTV音樂台,好屌!」,呢句嘢由有「廣告教父」之稱嘅孫大偉創作出嚟,原本意思係:「音樂是有量的」,形容音樂可以令人有快感。呢個廣告出咗之後,「屌」就成為台灣人流行用語,好多人鍾意用「好屌!」去形容一啲好正,好有感受嘅嘢[3]。




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