Broccili Quiche with Ham
文章来源: ranch992011-07-10 23:30:57


KURT说,他会让太太LESILIE给我做一份,我欣然接受。真有那么一天,他给我带来一盘QUICHE,带回来,大家很喜欢,看菜谱很健康。我说,我要做,问了什么地方可以买到Dijon mustard?没想到,KURT给我带来了一瓶NAPA VALLEY的DIJON MUSTARD和菜谱,说Leslie帮我买的。周末买了所有的材料,按菜谱做了两盘,做的很成功,扫荡了一大半,剩下的留给儿子当明天的午餐。


6 eggs 
3/4 cup heavy cream 
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 
2 ounces onion, chopped, about 1/4 cup 
10 ounce package frozen broccoli florets 
8 ounce Swiss cheese, shredded 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
Dash pepper 
2 cups ham, diced, about an 8 ounce package of sliced ham 

Cook the broccoli and onion together until broccoli is tender. I did mine in the microwave on HIGH, covered, for about 8 minutes. Drain very well. Grease a large pie plate; add the cheese, ham and broccoli and mix. Beat the eggs, cream, mustard, salt and pepper well with a whisk. Pour evenly over the broccoli mixture. Bake at 350� 35-45 minutes until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting. 

Makes 6-8 servings 
Can be frozen 

Per 1/6 Recipe: 404 Calories; 31g Fat; 26g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 5g Net Carbs 
Per 1/8 Recipe: 303 Calories; 23g Fat; 19g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 4g Net Carbs